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#randomanimeshit #animeart [ #toarukagakunorailgun #misakamikoto ] @Hajak ()
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Misaka w myślach:

He's a little different, but this little one doesn't seem scared, even though I'm hugging him!

Misaka głośno:

There, there~! ...so fluffy!

Koteł w myślach:

Seriously now, it seems like if I run away I'm going to make her really sad. I guess it can't be helped, I guess I'll go along with it for now to keep her satisfied. My my.
FlaszGordon - #randomanimeshit #animeart [ #toarukagakunorailgun #misakamikoto ] @Haj...

źródło: comment_QXUVAZZnvpH7l6pANSYsjxDdIhnbkllV.jpg

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