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Jutro budzisz się i okazuje się, że masz znowu 12 lat, a wszystko co się wydarzyło to tylko bardzo długi i dziwny sen. Co robisz?
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@Nasu: Historia znaleziona na pewnym angielskojęzycznym forum, nie wiem czy prawdziwa: "
I decided to register just to tell you a dream I had in high school. No one so far has understood the weirdness of the experience but I think that some of you might... The dream itself wasn't really that exciting but the duration and realism were astonishing.

So it was an ordinary day and I didn't even try to have lucid dreams or anything. I went into bed and thought about ordinary daily stuff and apparently I had fallen to a sleep at some point as my thoughts were disturbed by a loud chatter and bright lights coming trough my eyelids. I assumed that my sister had opened the door with the tv yelling on the background or something. When I got my eyes opened and my blurry vision got better I found myself in a hospital bed with nurses around. All confused I asked all the right questions: What happened? Where am I? Who are you? I was told that I had an accident and have been in a coma for a few weeks. I didn't question it at the time as I was undeniably in hospital.

Few hours later when my parents and siblings got into the hospital I realized that something was way off - I was surrounded by total strangers who claimed to know me. I told them my parents names, ages, where we lived ect. but they still insisted that it all was just an hallucination induced
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@Nasu: pewnie bym się zalogował na mojego 21lv paladyna na asterze i poszedl na dwarfy soldiery do kopalni, a potem pograł w cs 1.6. W przerwie między tymi dwoma grami sprawdziłbym jak tam moja 512 pkt wioska na plemionach na najnowszym świecie numer 7. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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@Nasu: Pomyślałbym - o k---a, było tak zajebiście a teraz znowu jestem gówniakiem( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°) Pomyślałbym aby zrobić wszystko tak jak poprzednio aby być w wieku 37 lat w tym samym miejscu w którym byłem(będę?) 25 lat później.
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