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Effective November 19, 2016 new European Union regulations will prohibit the sale of nasal snuff in packages larger than 10 grams. This means among other things, that F & T snuffs will only be available in those poor 10 gram Wilson's tins. Samuel Gawith snuffs will be only available in tap boxes.

Many types of snuffs will become instantly unavailable. Wilson's has quietly announced that they are eliminating 70 of their 96 varieties of snuff, and the remaining 26 will all be renamed to comply with the new regulations.

Among the snuffs that Wilson's has made "unavailable" are F&T Bureau and Morocco, Lemon Grove, Irish h Toast #20, Chocolate Orange, Irish coffee, Winter Warmer, Grand Cairo, Strasbourg. Wilson's has eliminated these snuffs, because to pass the new testing requirements (similar to the FDA "Deeming" regulations here in the States) would cost hundreds of thousands of English pounds.

For the moment, Toque Snuff will continue to ship to the U.S. and Canada, but there's no telling how long they will be allowed to continue this practice.

The new regulations also prohibit artistic labelling. Bernard's beautiful labels are a thing of the past.

We have effectively 48 hours as of the posting of this video to acquire any snuffs we love and want to keep onhand. German snuffmakers are also affected. German resellers will be permitted to ship to the U.S. through May 20, 2017.

This is tobaccogeddon, the end of the tobacco world as we know it. No joke. Acquire all you can reasonably afford, and do so now.

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