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The strategy I've seen in response to this incentive scheme is to work 4 14-hour days, ensuring that they hit the incentive no matter what. The money made off the actual ride is peanuts ($1/ride, maybe) so they absolutely need to finish 15 rides to get $75. Working 4 days a week, 16 days a month nets the driver $1200/month. Which is an incredible income by Indian standards considering most graduates from good colleges make a lot less.

W Polsce też macie taki program? Min. 15 kursów dziennie za bonus w postaci 75$
1200 baksów za miesiąc to dobra kasa.

I jezzcze:
The driver said that when Uber started out, they'd give each driver Rs. 60K/mo (about $1000/mo) just to sign in for 10 hours/day, even if they did not give a single ride.

Przy starcie w Indiach dawali 1k baksów za samo bycie online przez 10h/dzień.
U nas kojarzę, że było jakieś dodatkowe 500zl/miesiac(?) za rozkrecenie się nowemu miastu.
Ogormna różnica, chyba że to 500 było za tydzień, to ok.

#uber #polska
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