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Świeży wywiad jaki udzielił Slavoj #zizek dla Russia Today.

In an exclusive interview with RT, Žižek argued that one of the biggest problems with Europe’s immigration policy is that it is pursued from a neo-colonial perspective that focuses on so-called “white man’s burden” and “guilt.” However, he added that it would be wrong to blame Europe for all of the problems in the Middle East and to assume that refugees are blind victims who bear no responsibility in the crisis.

“I think this reduction of the other to an impotent, blind victim, who doesn’t have any responsibility, is another version of what in colonialist times was called white man’s burden,” Žižek explained. “Those who pretend to be the most open to migrants or refugees really treat them in an openly racist, patronizing way.”

“What about the very rich Arab countries, very much richer than Europe, which are closer to the crisis area, such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates? These are Sunni countries. Most of the refugees are Sunni Muslims.”

“These western European countries are playing dirty games. Germany’s Chancellor, Angela Merkel, did a big invitation, but then when there were too many refugees, [she] didn’t want to dirty [her] hands by saying ‘stop.’ Instead, small Balkan countries were left to do the dirty job and discreetly stop the flow of refugees,”


#4konserwy #neuropa #publicystyka
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@urs6: Czyli jeśli dobrze rozumiem, to według Zizka ci ludzie znowu stali się przedmiotem dla białasa - wcześniej byli przedmiotem kolonizacji oraz eksploatacji, a teraz są przedmiotem służącym do leczenia moralnego kaca i pielęgnowania poczucia własnej wyższości. Trafne, choć moim zdaniem nieszczególnie odkrywcze. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
To, czego nie chcą przyjąć do wiadomości entuzjaści pseudouchodźców, to fakt, że uznanie czyjejś podmiotowości wiąże się nie tylko z