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Tak w kwestii integracji/asymilacji imigrantów - nic nie zmieni tradycyjnych społeczności islamskich bardziej niż upodmiotowienie pozycji kobiety. Norwegom udało się stworzyć programy szkoleń dla praktycznie niepiśmiennych kobiet-uchodźczyń przygotowujące do zawodów niepotrzebujących kwalifikacji, a cierpiących na deficyt kadr. Co ważne, same muszą wyrazić chęć do podjęcia nauczania, nic na siłę.

Nobel Prize winner Malala gave them a face – the women who were deprived of the opportunity to go to school. It is common that these women are the ones left without work or educational opportunities once they have completed their immigrant induction programmes after arriving in Norway. In a pilot project in Levanger we have shown that it is possible to break this vicious circle. The secret lies in practical and targeted skills training integrated with language tuition.

The pilot project consists of a class of 12 students. All of them are refugees who had little or no reading or writing skills when they arrived in Norway. In the space of just two years they have become qualified to work in industries that will require a great deal of manpower in the years ahead.


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