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Billie Fleming (1914 - 2014)
- o tym, jak jazda na rowerze daje długowieczność ;))

"Billie Fleming is a legend and this year has inspired more than 1,000 female cyclists to recreate her epic women’s world record for the distance cycled in 12 months. Billie achieved her mark of 29,600 miles in 1938 when she rode every day, initially from her home in north London but later through many parts of Britain.
Rudge Whitworth supplied a bike and Cadbury some chocolate – the only support she received. Billie wanted to show that cycling could keep you healthy.
Not satisfied with one remarkable achievement, Billie then set records for 25, 50 and 100-mile tricycle time trials. Her achievements were not good enough for the Tricycle Association which rejected her request to allow female membership.
Billie died aged 100 in 2014, around the time that Hertfordshire nurse Anne Hunt decided to replicate Billie’s 365-day ride. This year Anne has encouraged female cyclists to complete sections of Billie’s route."

za: evanscycles.com

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appobjornstatd - Billie Fleming (1914 - 2014)
- o tym, jak jazda na rowerze daje dłu...

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