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#joomla #usa #heheszki

[09:04:45] can you provide with Hosting cPanle details ?
[09:04:50] please fill in the form
[09:05:00] we have no cpanel
[09:05:21] how did you install joomla then?
[09:05:56] you said you " no i have unziped it on hd and copy it to server"
[09:06:03] thru ftp ?
[09:06:22] do you have hosting details?
[09:06:43] i can give you but specify what details
[09:06:54] to login to your Hosting
[09:07:05] is that possible?
[09:07:49] its not a commercial hosting
[09:08:05] alright
[09:08:11] but if you have FTP
[09:08:17] i have
[09:08:16] you have hosting too
[09:08:25] you could not install Joomla engine
[09:08:28] without cpanel
[09:10:03] we have linux shell acces
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