Wpis z mikrobloga

Jak wszyscy to wszyscy, ale im nagadałem co


Can anyone explain me what was wrong with this coupon? I have earned my points fully legit by playing socks game for almost a month. then I have exchanged some of my point for your coupon. Many people i talked to says that tehy were contacting your customer service to determine if this coupon is vaild or not and the answer was always "yes". Coupons worked in every order, so i don't understand where the problem was. I thought banggood.com is solid and responsible shop and i was hoping that I finally found trustworthy shop. So bad I was wrong. I am not satisfied by 10% coupon because I can get that discount or even more with my points. I am very disappointed but i look forward to your reply, maybe it will make me trust you once more.

But apart of this bad things i want to wish all of your employees very happy holidays :)

Best regards,


  • 21

@AlkoholToNieZabawka: po tym infantylnym, bezsensownym i obraźliwym chyba tylko dla idiotów dla których wypok to całe życie określeniu ucinam rozmowę bo nie chce mi się zniżać do tego poziomu w którym pokonasz mnie doświadczeniem. mery chrysmes