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Wywiad z Peterem Sunderlandem w Irish Times... #wtfcontent

....At the recent EU summit in Valletta Sutherland found himself standing for the group photograph beside the German chancellor, someone he has met regularly over the past decade. “I said in her ear, ‘You’re a hero,’ ” he says. “She looked at me in surprise and said: ‘But it’s for Europe.’ I said: ‘I know: that’s why.’

Jego postawa vs Polska i inni, która ze względu jego koneksje nie powinna być lekceważona:

.....Sutherland despairs of Britain’s deteriorating migration debate but reserves special odium for Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. Their restrictive line on asylum seekers threatens the Schengen principles of free movement of people, he says, and is a “body blow to European integration”.

“But what I object to is that public opinion is allowed develop a negativism towards migrants which could be combated by senior politicians explaining the facts,” he says. Facts such as the net positive economic contribution migrants make to societies, he says, and lower rates of criminality or welfare fraud.

#mikroreklama #spiseg #imigranci #rotschild #jaszczuroludzie i inne ;)

#petersunderland #eu #ekonomia
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