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Mircy, mój znajomy alpinista z Włoch opublikował taki post dziś:

Jerzy Kukuczka - born 24 march of 1948 in Katowiece, died october of 1989 in Nepal, Lhotse.

Jerzy Kukuczka was a polish tatra mountaineer, alpinist, himalaist. Was the second person who has climbed all the 14 8k summits. He did this in less than 8 years, which looks quite impressive in comparison to the first Messner, who has accomplished it in more than 16 years. During he's voyage through the crown of Himalayas he has created 10 new routes, mostly during winter conditions. 7 Times he has climbed in alpinistic style, 4 of them during winter, one of them alone. During 2 years he managed to reach 6 8k summits, 3 of them during winter, other 3 of them guiding new route, including Nanga Parbat, and K2. Was extremaly capable in terms of pchysics and psyche.

Jutro jest rocznica śmierci Jurka. Jeśli jesteście mirkami z katowic, to zapalcie mu świeczkę. Ma pomnik przed głównym wejściem do Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego w Katowicach.

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