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Wybrane komentarze z filmiku z Whose Line Is It Anyway:

All i know is that 9/11 jokes are just plane wrong

I agree about the nazi jokes. They're outside of mein kampfort zone.

I really cant stand gay jokes either, cum on guys.

I hate amputee jokes, I don't seem to grasp the point.

They are like fat jokes, they just don't work out.

stop with the nazi jokes at least, theyre making me Fuhrerous

I did nazi that one coming, anne frankely, niether did jew.

Atleast there are no black jokes here, they are way too dark

That was so rascist, auschwitz my computer off now

Black and Mexican jokes: Once you've heard Juan, you've heard Jamal.

Mexican Joke? Now that's just crossing the line...

#suchar #rasizm #czarnyhumor
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@cheft: można wiedzieć skąd wziąłeś te cytaty? Tzn chodzi mi o link do filmiku ;) Z chęcią bym obejrzał, bo zawsze mnie bawią :P

(swoją drogą, stanowią inspirację dla kabaretu PUK, ale to jednak zupełnie inna liga)