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Korzystając ze strony #britishpoles wysłałem e-mail z 5 pytaniami do kandydatów w lokalnych wyborach #conservative #labour #liberaldemocrats #greenparty #ukip


I am one of your constituents and I am writing to you in order to find out how would you vote on issues important to me.

As a British citizen with Polish roots I would like to ask you five questions, which are important to me as a person with Polish background, but also for the British-Polish relations. Most importantly I would like to know whether you are for or against an issue, but if you would like to express a fuller explanation of your views, feel free to do so.

1. AQA has taken a unilateral decision to scrap the A-level in Polish from 2018. Are you going to lobby the AQA to reverse their decision? If yes, are there any other actions which you would undertake in order to preserve the Polish A-level?

2. Poland was the most loyal ally of Britain in the Second World War. Would you support a ban in British media falsely labelling the German concentration and death camps as being “Polish” e.g. Polish ghetto, death camps of Poland, or, Poland’s Auschwitz?

3. Do you support promoting information about the positive contribution of Polish immigrants to the economy of the UK?

4. In the event of Brexit, would you support granting an unconditional Indefinite Leave To Remain to the EU citizens who have lived and worked in Britain under the freedom of movement rules?

5. If you were to be elected to the Parliament, would you join and support the activities of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Poland?

I feel strongly about these matters and your answers may affect my vote.

I appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions. They may be published on britishpoles.uk

Otrzymałem tylko 2 odpowiedzi i jedno zapytanie o dane osobowe/adresowe :) odpowiedzi

#uk #emigracja #wybory #generalelection #england #unaswuk
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@abcc5: pozniej odpisalem i otrymalaem taka odpowiedz" Over the 18 years of being an MP I have always found it important to ensure that I was dealing with someone living in the constituency they voted in.

It was stood me and the people I have had the honour to represent in good stead."
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