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Londynska firma zamiescila oferte pracy. Odpowiedzialy trzy osoby: Niemiec, Francuz i Hindus. Komisja chcac sprawdzic znajomosc angielskiego u kandydatów kazala im ulozyc zdanie zawierajace slowa: green, pink i yellow. Pierwszy napisal Niemiec:
- When I wake up I see yellow sun, green grass and I think to myself that will be wonderful, pink day.
Drugi byl Francuz:
- When I wake up I put my green pants, yellow socks and pink shirt.
Na koniec Hindus:
- When I come back home I hear the telephone green green so I pink up the phone and say: yellow?

#heheszki #suchar #pdk #angielski
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@szancik: Dobre, ale w oryginalne dłuższe:


Sum Ting Wong went to a job interview to be a secretary. When the manager saw Sum Ting Wong's colorful attire and gold & white-highlighted hair, his mind is screaming inside his head "NOT THIS WOMAN." Nevertheless, he still has to accommodate time to Sum Ting Wong.

So he asked Sum Ting wong,"if you can form a sentence using the words that