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@Lumihiutale: History

first,counter strike was a modified version of game called half-life 2.A company called valve bought this modyfication and created a new version of this modyfication taen counter strike became a game.After 8 years a new version of this game was created.Its name was counter strike source.It gained big popularyty.Players created new teams which competed in leaguess.In 2012 a new version appeard,Which is called Counter Strike:Global Offensive


You only
@krzy222: Nie wiem, co to znaczy taen, tak prawdę mówiąc. W zdaniu "After 8 years a new version of this game was created." zmieniłabym szyk i napisała "The new version of this game was created after eight years.", ale to chyba bardziej moje widzimisię. Dalej lecąc - nie "popularyty", a "popularity". I dałabym raczej "Players was creating new teams which was competing in leaguess.", ponieważ to była raczej ciągła czynność -