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Skad pomysł ze BF Hardline wyjdzie w 720p?! Za cel obieraja 1080p, a nawet obecna beta jest w 900p na xbo.
A PES2015 wyszedl (w zeszlym roku, a nie w tym - 13/11/2014) i pokazal wszystkim ze "KONAMI cannot into coding" skoro fifa 14 i 15 bezproblemowo chodzily w 1080p/60fps. Konami zrobilo kupsko i malo kto to kupil.

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“For the beta, at this point we’re totally focused on gameplay,”
“So, for the beta, we’re going to be coming out at 720p and 60fps. That’s not the final resolution for the game. You can imagine as we go through the remainder of the project we’ll be focused on polishing the visual look of the game. You can expect it will look amazing when it comes out.”

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