LinkedIn explains its complex Gobblin big data framework

LinkedIn shed more light Tuesday on a big-data framework dubbed Gobblin that helps the social network take in tons of data from a variety of sources so that it can be analyzed in its Hadoop-based data warehouses.

#bigdata #datascience #hadoop

m.....q - LinkedIn explains its complex Gobblin big data framework

LinkedIn shed mor...

źródło: comment_EUKIpMU7RRnZIokqO1tGYrITqQteASWL.jpg

NSA SOURCE CODE LEAK: Information slurp tools to appear online

The NSA has decided to let the public have a peek at what it's been up to, for a change, by promising to release some of its data analysis tools under an open-source license.

On Tuesday, intelligence-gobbling agency said it hopes to make the code to NiFi – a project previously known internally as Niagarafiles – available as an Apache Incubator Project
Calypso Technology to create 150 tech jobs in Dublin

Capital markets software player Calypso Technology is to create up to 150 skilled jobs at a new Managed Services Centre in Dublin.

Calypso is currently recruiting professionals for a range of areas such as business, technical analysis, quality assurance, and application support.

The centre will also be focused on developing tools to automate the delivery of services.

#pracazagranica #dublin #emigracja

Inside Aurora: how disruptive is Amazon’s MySQL clone?

At its recent re:Invent conference in Las Vegas, Amazon announced its new database engine Aurora, claiming it to be a commercial grade database engine at open-source cost. “It’s at least as available, durable and fault-tolerant as the enterprise editions of the proprietary commercial database engines and high-end SANs,” said senior AWS VP Andy Jassy, “and it’s a tenth of the cost.”

#bazydanych #
@msq: "Data is split into small 10Gb segments" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Swoją drogą, skoro po MySqlu przyglądają się też przepisaniu po swojemu PostgreSQLa na bardziej chmurową implementację, to czy zabiorą się też za lepszą wersję Oracle? ;)
Xanadu Consultancy to add 120 jobs in Cork

Ireland’s Taoiseach Enda Kenny is set to announce that IT company Xanadu Consultancy is hiring 120 new staff at its Blackpool base in Cork.

Xanadu Consultancy, an Irish company, provides software development, operational support and consultancy services, predominantly to companies in the online gaming sector, but with an ever-growing remit.

cc @parsiuk

#irlandia #cork #pracazagranica #emigracja

no odbije się to na całym rynku niestety.

@rzet: Pewnie tak, bo czesc, moze nawet cale zapotrzebowanie na ludzi zostanie zaspokojone.

Te wyceny to troche kosmos. nie jestem ekonomista, ale wydaje mi sie ze to skutek miedzy innymi drukowania pieniedzy w europie, USA i Japonii oraz niskich stop.