The Top 7 Hybrid Mobile App Frameworks

The time has never been better to learn mobile application development. For many app ideas, you don’t even need any prior native development knowledge. You can get started today with knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Unlike native mobile development, mobile applications using web technologies can support many mobile platforms

#webdev #android #ios #windowsphone #programowanie

Amazon mocno do przodu w Dublinie..

Amazon to create 300 new jobs in Dublin

E-commerce and cloud giant Amazon is to create 300 new jobs in Dublin. The highly-skilled roles, including data centre technicians and software engineers, will be based at Amazon’s new offices in Ballsbridge

#irlandia #pracazagranica #emigracja

Introducing Proxygen, Facebook's C++ HTTP framework

We are excited to announce the release of Proxygen, a collection of C++ HTTP libraries, including an easy-to-use HTTP server. In addition to HTTP/1.1, Proxygen (rhymes with "oxygen") supports SPDY/3 and SPDY/3.1. We are also iterating and developing support for HTTP/2

#programowanie #cpp

AirHopper Program Decodes Radio Signals to Steal from Air-Gapped Computers

Air-gapped computers are generally the home of sacrosanct data. The lack of a connection between these machines and others on a network, or the Internet, means in theory that data stored on those devices is kept away from the harm of web-based threats and hackers moving laterally on a network.

Researchers, black hats and white hats alike, still chase the Holy Grail
m.....q - AirHopper Program Decodes Radio Signals to Steal from Air-Gapped Computers

wczoraj chcialem zapodac intro z summitu openstack-a, 5k ludzi, na scenie wjezdza bmw i8

potem sobie mysle nie moge zrobic tego tym 50 osobom co sie spotykaja w jakims wroclawiu na spoktaniach z php i na scene wjezdza pan z pizza

Introducing Dynomite - Making Non-Distributed Databases, Distributed

Dynomite is basically a system that calls for each single-server datastore to be cloned across multiple data centers — with each sliced up into smaller chunks or nodes — so they can be expressed and managed as individual, centralized clusters.

#bazydanych #redis #mysql #memcache i troche #webdev bo moze komus sie takie rozwiazanie przyda :)

Mining of Massive Datasets

The book is based on Stanford Computer Science course CS246: Mining Massive Datasets (and CS345A: Data Mining).

The book, like the course, is designed at the undergraduate computer science level with no formal prerequisites. To support deeper explorations, most of the chapters are supplemented with further reading references.

#bigdata #datascience #bazydanych #datamining

@random_hero: uwazam ze kasa to nie papierowe narzedzie szatana, kasa to forma wdziecznosci, bo widzisz jesli Ty jako deweloper zarobisz w usa 80-120k dolarow to przeciez nie bedziesz lezal na tych pieniadzach, wezmiesz i wydasz byc moze na moje produkty, moze kupisz auto, dom, pojdziesz do teatru wiecej niz raz na 3 lata, moze koncert, ksiazka - wynagrodzisz i docenisz prace i umiejetnosci innych ludzi

widze ze mialem racje jestes jeszcze
@fuuYeah:If you need support for the widest variety of browsers including IE8, Opera 12, Safari 5, and the like, use the jQuery-Compat 3.0.0 package. We recommend this version for most web sites, since it provides the best compatibility for all website visitors.

If your web site is built only for evergreen leading-edge browsers, or is an HTML-based app contained in a webview (for example PhoneGap or Cordova) where you know which
@msq: Podpisuję się pod tym tekstem. Praktykujemy PP do rzeczy z kategorii "mission critical" i gorąco polecam, praktykowałem PP wcześniej i też w 95% przypadków wszyscy sobie to chwalili. "Koszt" osobowy jest wart efektu, szczególnie, jeśli kod jest złożony i nikt nie ma 100% wiedzy na temat każdego szczegółu jego działania.

@tomekswk: Moja diagnoza odnośnie problemu o którym piszesz - wybierz jedno z poniższych:

1. Doświadczony programista został "posadzony" z