@msq: z weź nawet mi nie mów, wiesz ile widziałem relacyjnych danych i to tak MOCNO relacyjnych widziałem wrzuconych do mongo tylko dlatego, że nosql, popularne, bla bla bla.
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@aseeon: No co poradzisz Bozenko, nic nie poradzisz na hipsterke. NoSQL narzedzie jak kazde inne, jesli to dla kogos ideologia i dobre rozwiazanie do wszystkiego to sie moze skonczyc tylko w jeden sposob :)
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the Cure53 XSS-Mas Challenge 2014


- The winner, once determined, will receive €500 EUR from @cure53berlin. The jackpot might grow over time as it did last
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Oferta pracy dla seniora PHP w Dublinie. Jak ktos zainteresowany to kontakt do rekrutera na pw. Podana pensja to kwota przed opodatkowaniem

This is a fantastic opportunity to join one of the most exciting new technology companies in Dublin city centre. Started as a single website for the promotion of franchises in the state market in 1998, company now operates a suite of multilingual websites across 13 markets targeting North America, Europe and Asia.

A role is now available at Dublin office for a talented senior PHP and MYSQL developer to lead our small but great development team.

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250GB of RAM for 34¢/hour: EC2 spot instances

Ever needed 250GB of RAM, but just for a few minutes or hours? With Amazon's EC2 spot instances, you can get a machine with 250GB of RAM for as little as 34¢/hour! I'll give a recipe for getting set up with Python + your packages in 10 minutes, and get a remote IPython Notebook to work with.


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Researchers build pattern-recognition model that acts like a human

A trio of MIT researchers has developed a machine learning model that might help humans make better sense of big data by helping us make better sense of the patterns it discovers. Its creators call it the Bayesian Case Model, but a simpler description might be the example-creator.


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A Free Tutorial On Go's Database/SQL Package

Go has a package called database/sql for connecting to relational databases. There’s package documentation, but you’ll need to read the source code if you really want to understand how to use the package. The documentation doesn’t really explain how to use the package, it just explains what it does.

Fortunately, there’s a free, online, opensource tutorial that fills this need. If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend it. (I am one of the authors.) There is a lot of wisdom from very experienced people in the tutorial, including the two primary authors of the main MySQL driver for Go.

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Popular Coding Framework Node.js Is Now Seriously Forked

A group headed by some of Node’s most important contributors has "forked" the project, creating a new version it's calling io.js. It’s a version of Node “where contributions, releases, and contributorship are under an open governance model,” its Readme file states.


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Code of Ages

If you are a very large, rich technology company today, it seems it is no longer enough to have your own humongous data centers, luxurious buses, and organic lunch bars. You need your very own programming language, too.

Google has Go, first conceived in 2009. Facebook introduced Hack last spring. And Apple unveiled Swift not long after.

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6 Signs That You Are Not Meant To Be A Programmer

#1: You Lack Experimental Creativity

#2: You Are Not
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#5: You Want Normal Work Hours

@msq: Jak dobra robota to przez większość czasu siedzi się od 9 do 17. A deadline? Cóż. To może dotyczyć każdej branży. Pani Krysia w monopolowym też czasem musi zrobić remanent albo przyjąć dostawę "po godzinach" ;)
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Darmowy ebook na temat zarobkow w sektorze Big Data na rynku amerykanskim.

2014 Data Science Salary Survey

Tools, Trends, What Pays (and What Doesn't) for Data Professionals

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A jak mowie zeby najpierw uzywac googla to mnie od elektrody wyzywaja....

Back on the 11th of November 2014, Hacker News user mragh noticed something very strange - after a series of searches related to the "python" programming language, Google invited him/ her to "take a test", offering a link to google.com/foobar.


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