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Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen


Talia fiszek anki plik

pallid - blady [very pale, in a way that looks unhealthy and not attractive]
Next to his tanned face, hers seemed pallid and unhealthy.
lichen - porost [a grey, green, or yellow plant-like organism that grows on rocks, walls, and trees]
The water moved silently over moss and lichen covered slabs of rocks, forming small pools in the low spots.
serendipity - szczęśliwy traf [formal; the fact of something interesting or pleasant happening by chance]
Meeting her like that, and there of all places, was true serendipity!
matte - matowy [used to describe a surface or color or paint that is not shiny]
The paint is available in matte or gloss finish.
adjacent - przyległy, sąsiedni [formal; very near, next to, or touching]
They work in adjacent buildings.
snag - szkopuł [informal; a problem or difficulty, especially one that is small, hidden, or unexpected]
There is just one small snag—where is the money coming from?
relentless - nieustający, nieustępliwy [continuing in a severe or extreme way]
The sun was relentless.
glee - radość [a feeling of happiness, usually because something good has happened to you, or something bad has happened to someone else]
He rubbed his hands in glee as he thought of all the money he would make.
intent - intencja [formal; the fact that you want and plan to do something]
I spent half the morning on the phone, which wasn't really my intent.
spring - źródło [a place where water naturally flows out from the ground]
Mount Sannine, which has a base of limestone, is the source of many mountain springs.
bonus - idiom
chop and change
If you chop and change, you constantly change your opinion, plans or methods and often cause confusion.
Don't chop and change all the time - just make up your mind!


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