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As I Lay Dying - Behind Me Lies Another Fallen Soldier

"I want to bring You all that is in my heart

I want to bring You my everything

But I've failed You so many times

How can I stand here before You

When I begin to steal what only belongs to You

I am able to bring You nothing that isn't already Yours

I am so ashamed of what I ever called my own

Take what I have, take these broken remains

What can I give You that You don't already deserve

You laid down Your life when I refused to give mine"

  • 9
@GraveDigger: @Iesuz: Nie każdy...

"On June 2014, Lambesis came out as an atheist, claiming that he, along with other members of the band, just kept pretending to be Christian just to sell records, a claim called slanderous and defamatory by another member of the band."

Ale szczerze mówiąc nie wiedziałem, że tak mu odbiło. Smutne ;/ Może się opamięta jeszcze. May God bless him.