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Kolejny psychopata dostał się do Simsów:

My sim has a hidden art gallery where he hangs the last portraits of his victims before they starve to death in his specially designed kill room. He lures them in under the pretense of a friendly game of chess, locks the door with them inside and then the real game begins. He has full length windows allowing him a clear view of his quarry, he places open pizza boxes in front of these windows to taunt them. Wall mounted music makes sure they experience the full term of their internment. A simple, uncomfortable wooden chair is their only source of comfort, save for the cold hard concrete floor. When they get truly desperate, the painting begins. This is simanity at it's peak, the desperate state of sims unbound by civility, focusing on their own personal crises of the hierarchy. And when they finally pass, the final memory of their brief time on earth will be mounted on a plane white wall, hidden safely in the attic room of an average sim who nobody would ever suspect.

#reddit #simsy

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