Możecie w kilku słowach powiedzieć, co się stało z white? Jestem na wyjeździe i od 2 dni nie weim co się dzieje, a czytać dziesiątki stron na bitcointalku na razie nie mam czasu.
@pucinii: @psposki: @marcho87: @grabciu: jak sprzedasz wc i kupisz bc i będziesz te bc trzymać przez 14 dni to dostaniesz bonus 5% ,ale musisz spełnic jakieś tam warunki + nie rekompensują spadku ceny bc. ""Meet Black"- Whitecoin Flush Campaign
We at Blackcoin don't like the problems with Whitecoin any more than you do, we now offer you an exit plan... sell Whitecoin, buy Blackcoin and you will receive 5% extra on your btc investment
To reduce the risk of moving to BlackCoin and to emphasize our confidence in the future value of BlackCoin we are putting forward a "meet black" promotion which will compensate WC coin sellers an additional
#kryptowaluty #whitecoin
We at Blackcoin don't like the problems with Whitecoin any more than you do, we now offer you an exit plan... sell Whitecoin, buy Blackcoin and you will receive 5% extra on your btc investment
To reduce the risk of moving to BlackCoin and to emphasize our confidence in the future value of BlackCoin we are putting forward a "meet black" promotion which will compensate WC coin sellers an additional