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czym się różni strona wiki ENG od PL o naszym Chopinie?
Ano, w naszej nie ma nic zaś w ENG ZA BARDZO WAŻNE UZNALI DODAĆ COŚ TAKIEGO...

Letters from Chopin to Woyciechowski in the period 1829–30 (when Chopin was about twenty) contain apparent homoerotic references to dreams and to offered kisses.

I am going to wash now; don't kiss me, I'm not washed yet. You? If I were smeared with the oils of Byzantium, you would not kiss me unless I forced you to it by magnetism. There's some kind of power in nature. Today you will dream of kissing me! I have got to pay you out for the horrible dream you gave me last night.

— Frédéric Chopin to Tytus Woyciechowski (4.9.1830)

According to Adam Zamoyski, such expressions "were, and to some extent still are, common currency in Polish and carry no greater implication than the 'love'" concluding letters today. "The spirit of the times, pervaded by the Romantic movement in art and literature, favoured extreme expression of feeling ... Whilst the possibility cannot be ruled out entirely, it is unlikely that the two were ever lovers." Chopin's biographer Alan Walker considers that, insofar as such expressions could be perceived as homosexual in nature, they would not denote more than a passing phase in Chopin's life, or be the result – in Walker's words – of a "mental twist". The musicologist Jeffrey Kallberg notes that concepts of sexual practice and identity were very different in Chopin's time, so modern interpretation is problematic. Other scholars argue that these are clear, or potential, demonstrations of homosexual impulses on Chopin's part.

co za upośledzona #homopropaganda #bekazlewactwa #4konserwy

z kogo już fana druciarstwa nie chcieli zrobić... Szopen, Czarny i Alek...

AAAA no tak, ta srajnia też musiała dodać dwa słowa
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jedno dosłownie jedno zdanie wyrwane

@TruskawkaNaTorcie: Ilu potrzebowałeś zdań, żeby uznać jego heteroseksualizm? Poza tym, nie dowodzę nigdzie, że był gejem, tylko mówię, że znanym faktem jest, że był w niejednoznacznych stosunkach z przyjacielem i pisał do niego sprośne listy, w których zwracał się do niego "kochanku".
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