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#wiaraniewiara #jahwe #izrael

Tutaj taki tag mi sie pokazal na chwile dziwny, jak pisalem, ale tak, te Izraelki w prostych zielonych mundurach wygladaj cudnie.
Fajnie maja tu i tam :)

Dobrze, jak juz rzad Izraela to zignoruje, to ja to pier*ole:
Hi,I am 39 years old, I am Sebastian from Poland.
For several years I am being persecuted by polish people and they say I have schizophrenia, but I know I have not.
Straight to the topic: my grandmother from my father side surname is Tyszler = Tischler, it may be I have jewish roots.
But straight to the point: some years ago I was involved in satanic cult in Wroclaw in PL (Breslau from WW2 time). After that I had strong spiritual battle but I prayed a lot to Jahwe and now I feel fine.
Most important points: in one of concerts clubs in Wroclaw I saw a lady in black (this was not hallucination), after that I saw big black snake in the "psychoterapist" office - you know, just in split second, but it was spiritual, believe me.
Myslef I have some kind of ancient snake sometimes crawling on my head - once I normally saw it, it is black, but I do not know about the snake head appearance.
I had some time ago real life feelings of Christ wounds and crown, like something is going on in spiritual realm.
I have very bad feelings that some strange organisation in Poland is doing sth very bad with me, including sexual abuse in my childhood as some part of "ritual"
When I prayed a lot some time ago (I saw shadows, bad spirits etc.) I saw once the white light in azure light in my sight - I believe it was Jahwe light.
I Morocco once I saw almost antire my sightseeing as blue - like entering Heaven or something.
I thought I was Christian, but after what happened to me in my life I do not want to go this way (but I admire Jesus as beautiful man).
In addition to this I see in the nightsky many stragne lights, like some interdimensional beings ame here and are doing something - notice last news about UFO in Poland.
Aha, and I once got the feeling like a thunder struck my head / mind - like thunder in head, like something spiritual happend.
QUESTION:Do you believe I am not schizophrenic and something realyy big is going on in the world now?Do you have any special spiritual forces in Israel to guide me / help me?Do you think I may be the Jewish messiah? I am not joking, I am totally lost and almost commited suicide when I was persecuted and abused - now maybe just looking for help in Israel.
Sorry for being chaoticm but I am stressed a little:I also received a 7-points star on my forehead during mess in chruch some time ago.From this star I am sending like energy waves (it happens without my control) and sometimes I travel in prayer to other dimensions / God (?) and there I receive some energy on this star.
I have also sth like horns on my forehead, I hope not demonic, but Jahwe horns.It may be my name is the famous name of "44" (the word star appears 44 times in the Bible) as mentioned in Polish poem "Dziady" from Adam Mickiewicz
Will be there any cosmic contact soon on Earth?
Last point (as mail is now long):I had a vision, where I saw big black alien ship with lights - I was then taken to this ship, but fell into some lake in my vision and then in the real world vision the objects started to disappear - I am not joking.
Can it be that my soul is the orphic (ancient term) egg of new world and life?Is it like lazarus of Jesus Christ and I am here to save the chosen nation of Israel?
Sebastian Rys (Tischler is the name of my family from my grandmother from my father side)
If you know anything / understand anything - I beg you please help me.

Poszlo na moked1299@mail.gov.il - jesli ten mail jest fake, to juz trudno, dajcie spokoj panowie.

Sebastian Tyszler
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@paczelok: Pan Kononowicz mial wiele pieknych zasad, ale do zycia by byl trudny, nie moglbym z nim mieszkac - ale na pewno nie powinno sie z niego w itnernecie posmiewiska robic, tylko mu pomoc.
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