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Z racji iż nie moge odpisać na ezio cebulaka to daje dla potomnych :) Piesel == Ezio

[18:21] Hello

[18:21] is there a way to take the torch from him a develop a coin without lead developer if they no longer care?

[18:21] This is what eKrona developer told me 2 days ago:

[18:21] Hello, I've noticed that you've been very active promoting Ekrona. Unfortunately I don't have much time to continue this project.. Would you like to become a second dev for this coin? I can give you an admin role for Ekrona FB page. We can also talk about twitter, maybe you can post there using email. As for Ekrona source: it is bases on the newest Litecoin code, so no changes are needed at the moment. KGW is implemented as we

[18:21] hey piesel

[18:22] Moreover we were minig it when it was 0.15 difficulty :D

[18:22] so piesel, are you going to take it over?

[18:22] There is one small problem, I have sold all my eKrona ;)

[18:23] oh man, why?

[18:23] Well I had it for ,,free" I was mining when difficulty was 0.15 to 1

[18:23] i'd do it if i knew how, just don't know anything about that, i'd help market though

[18:24] <@Cr0nus

> I'm trying to spead the word for it to hit a new market

[18:24] <@Cr0nus

It's near the top on cryptorush

[18:24] you can always buy back in, looks like it's gonna go higher with cryptorush in 3rd place

[18:25] I know that there are people with around 100k coins in pocket and they are probalby responsible for for selling yesterday and today (look how many coins were sold)

[18:25] look how much this room grew in a few day, piesel you've been awesome at promoting this coin ,and i'd help if you decide to develop it more, i'll help promote

[18:25] why you think prices dropped too much?

[18:25] Yes but now I have no personal interest, few weeks ago I was trying to sell let say 10 000 eKrona and no one wanted to buy it for o.2 btc

[18:26] I see them going up

[18:26] then I promoted it more and more and finally this coin is picking up

[18:26] we'll, i'm willing to promote, just i have no development skills

[18:26] <@Cr0nus

> The diff is rising fast.

[18:26] <@Cr0nus

29 now

[18:26] When I found it it was worthless, I remember that 2 people were mining it and net hashrate was... 300 khs

[18:27] KHS!

[18:27] == Cr0nus

changed the topic of #ekronacoin to: [EkronaCoin] Diff:29 | Price going up! | Welcome! | [http://ekrona.org](http://ekrona.org) | [https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=421376.0](https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=421376.0) | [https://twitter.com/ekronacoin](https://twitter.com/ekronacoin)

[18:27] piesel why would you say it's worthless when hash is so high?

[18:27] diff is too

[18:27] I mean over month ago

[18:27] when i found it

[18:27] oh, yeah, it was low.

[18:28] then I promoted it like hell

[18:28] I spammed many boards ;P

[18:28] well, if you buy back in and want help -promoting you have people here to help

[18:28] we'll get it up to 0.02 BTC

[18:28] <@Cr0nus

I would buy back but I have no BTC on allcoins and I'm not going to transfer there, I'll wait till it hits another exchange to buy

[18:28] hmm I see the chance but I also fear to buy back

[18:29] but if you were developer, you'd have much more say in direction coin goes, your a good promoter, and i'm also motivated.

[18:30] most developers don't promote their coins, that's the issue, but look at what happened when you did. If you were developer you'd do even better

[18:30] this coin can be the next AUR, but it takes community

[18:31] you guys should approach fyrstikken for promotion of the coin if your interested

[18:31] who is that?

[18:31] we need a lead developer though

[18:31] <@Cr0nus

> He has been talking about it.

[18:31] <@Cr0nus

But no dev means it won't go anywhere honestly.

[18:31] yeah, that's why we need a new one

[18:31] and Dev have spoken now

[18:32] Hi all, I think this coin is doing well, there is no need to develop additional changes at the moment. I'm glad to see so many miners and believers here. This coin has a bright future no matter what.

[18:32] look at his post

[18:32] Well what if it needs a fork, or updated wallets? who does that?

[18:32] fyrstikken has some connections with devs if you get him behind it he maybe able to put something together his channel is #fyrstikken

[18:33] he's norwegian himself

#eziocebulak #ekrona #kryptowaluty
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@SharpNieSharp: Nigdy nie wiesz kiedy sprzedac, czujesz ze to ten wlasciwy moment stresujesz sie niech no ktos kupi odemnie a za kilka minut jest juz wyzej i masz kaca moralnego moglem tak zarobic. Z drugiej strony tez boisz sie odkupic bo boisz sie odwrotnej sytuacji :P
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