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Hello everyone,

I've been asked a lot about what it's like to live in the Dominican Republic, so I want to answer this frequently asked question. One of the most common questions I receive is about my lifestyle in the Dominican Republic, and it's indeed an important and intriguing one. Here's a glimpse into my daily life in the Dominican Republic:

I typically wake up between 5-8 a.m., and the first thing I do after waking up is head to the beach to freshen up – you know what I mean. Afterward, I return to my trailer park, switch on my radio, and dedicate time to learning Spanish. Currently, I'm at a level between B2 and C1, and my goal is to become completely fluent in Spanish.

Following my language learning session, I have my breakfast. My daily calorie intake varies significantly, ranging from 1500 to 3000 calories. This wide range is due to the fact that there are days when I'm not as active as others. On those less active days, I often spend time visiting friends.

On days when I consume around 3000 calories, I make sure to stay physically active. I engage in a 45-minute workout session, which includes either a 5-mile run or a 15-mile march. Staying fit and active is important to me.

I do enjoy smoking cigars or weed occasionally, and I also indulge in rum on some occasions. It's worth noting that my habits regarding these substances have changed since my time in Poland. Back then, I didn't drink alcohol more often than once every three months, and I quit smoking weed and cigarettes when I was 19.

In summary, my life in the Dominican Republic involves a routine that includes language learning, beach visits, maintaining a flexible diet, staying physically active, and occasional enjoyment of cigars, weed, and rum. I hope this gives you a better idea of my life here.

To jest tekst jaki napisałem po angielsku, swój obecny poziom z angielskiego oceniam na jakieś b2 ale to porządne b2. Zachęcam do czytania.
Tekst został napisany bez pomocy tłumacza i internetu.
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