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"fifteen male lifters were put on a strength training plan, and were told that the ones who made the best progress during the first phase of training on seated shoulder press, military press, and bench press (researchers confirmed for being gym-bros in lab coats. Just saying… ???? ) would be chosen to use steroids for four weeks to evaluate their effects.

So, these guys trained as hard as they could for 4 weeks to get free, legal roids. The 6 guys who made the best progress gained an average of 11kg between the three lifts, and were selected for the “steroid” trial.

They were told they were being given 10 mg/day of Dianabol, but, in fact, they were given a placebo pill.

So, they made similar gains to the first phase, right? Maybe a little extra because of the placebo effect?


They gained an average of 45 kg (about 100 pounds) between their three lifts. That’s in contrast to 24 pounds TOTAL in the first four weeks between all three lifts."


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Eleven national level powerlifters were given a saccharine pill before they maxed on squat, bench, and deadlift. They were told that it was a fast-acting steroid

(as an aside – this study was conducted in 2000. These guys should have known that, even if they WERE taking steroids, it’s not going to have any major effect that quickly. Oh well. Research can control for a lot of things, but it can’t control
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@karl_sosa: generalnie dwa przykłady krótkoterminowego działania placebo sterydów. W pierwszym przypadku powiedzieli badanym 15 lifterom, że jak będą dobrze trenować przez 4 tyg. to dostaną sterydy na następne 4 tygodnie. W pierwszych 4 tygodniach (bez sterydów) 6 najlepszych dorzuciła 11kg do liftów. Więc powiedziano im, że teraz będą dostawać sterydy i choć to nie były prawdziwe sterydy to w 4 tygodnie dorzucili 45kg.
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@Sylwester_Zwalon: nie, w pierszwym przypadku to byli ludzie z 2letnim stażem, a w drugim "national level powerlifters' (They immediately beat their old PRs by an average of about 4-5% (and since we’re talking about national level lifters, that means we’re probably talking about at least 50-100 pounds on their total).
@morensen: po części też tak uważam, szczególnie jeżeli chodzi typowo o progres siłowy, bo w tym głowa ma często decydujące znaczenie. Ale sylwetkowo to już inna sprawa, bo tutaj nie da się tak oszukać metabolizmu, aby szybciej palił tłuszcz czy budował mięśnie, nie mówiąc już o tym że na ostrą forme nierzadko trzeba już naprawdę solidnej apteki a nie tylko jednego środka. Wg. mnie co najwyżej efekt placebo może pobudzić większe