Wpis z mikrobloga

hello everyone, hello my friends

hello people whose watch this life and recording

after I finished.


this subject is business online of the 21 century


because business online

is the best form of education

for example stock market, crypto

and much more.

and earn money

earn money on the phone

this phone whose i

who is going this life, ja?

the best.

and this life

have has four steps

and I talk to you today.


First Step

why Business Online


because everything's change

in a 1971

when the President Nixon

published the gold standard


the dollar is not the real dollar


it is be printed

in ten years later he's printed

five years now is printed.

because everything on the world

you know I know

inflation is height

so that's it.

second step

Earn money on stock market

stock market, crypto


because the financial markets

turn money

of the world.

in financial markets

everything everywhere money is here, in stock market

in business in financial markets.

so financial markets turn the money

of the everywhere and everything world

my money, your money, yours mum money

yours dad money


three steps

earn money on the phone


because it simple


it's not

nothing hard with this

I'm going live

on my iPhone 8

and doing my business

I lie on the sofa

when I walking to the shop

when I travel to Barcelona, to USA, everywhere

and that's it.


there is one bonus step

used your phone

as a machine, maszin to earn money

and you don't go for a walk

when whereever you are.

and the last one step, four

when you meet people

y yy again...

four step - meet people whos changed your life... lives


if you want meet people

whos grow you up and change your lives

you for example travel with this people around the world

speaking, eating and


and happy

to yours lives

and this...

no buy, in no money


this people, this energy and every things

this is...

great amazing brilliant beautiful

La Creme de La Creme, voila


one answer

you meet people

travel with people who want more from

his, her, you life


you have looking this people

and that's it.


if you like the video

post comment below in this live

check the notifications

and have a nice day, have a great day

see you soon, take care!

  • 3
  • Odpowiedz
@Bebosz: pomyśl sobie co przeżywają osoby wkręcone w uniwersum, osoby które się nie #!$%@? i oglądają każdy materiał kilkukrotnie, think about it
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