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Ostatnie wypowiedzi od #wolong :

# dogecoin-market: As I have mentioned earlier on, the purpose of me here no.1 priority, to win the market for my investors.

# dogecoin-market: At the end game, some of you will be leaving crying, I am not sure when, but it's not anytime now.

# dogecoin-market: Probably 1 years 2 years, who knows? I might dump and cashout

# dogecoin-market: and you will lose catching the falling knives

# dogecoin-market: However, morally, I will be please to guide and teach

# dogecoin-market: So at the end of the game, no one hates me, is every man for himself

# dogecoin-market: It's pretty much up to you, your greed

# dogecoin-market: and learning the market


# dogecoin-market: If you were to ask for pump price target all the time, some day I will lie and dump everything to you

# dogecoin-market: that is a very honest answer from me

# dogecoin-market: So if you are truly here for profit, learn to fish

# dogecoin-market: And not fed by me

koleś faktycznie jest atencjuszem i nauczycieluje okrutnie. Jednak nie można mu zabrać tego, iż możliwości ma. Ciekawe kiedy zgoli wszystko i będzie płacz januszy ;-)

#kryptowaluty #dogecoin #irc
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@goomowy: skosnoocy nie mają w naturze wywyzszania sie i robienia z siebie mentora - wiec #!$%@? cos mi sie zdaje ze ten cały #wolong to jakis #!$%@? z PL który sobie z nas jaja robi
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