Wpis z mikrobloga

- Stanley? Stan?
- Who's on the phone?
- It's Hedwig.
- Listen, is Stanley at home?
- No, he is not.
- For fucking sake why did he go there to the headquarters?! He cut my forest, he took my money. Who gave him such permission? You tell this son of the bitch where did he go because he will be struck by a lightning and he is going to be damned bloody! He shaved our forest and why the fuck he took our bread roll to the forest to cut out our forest?
- But who is speaking?
- I will fucking give you who is speaking, until you are struck by a lightning and a sudden blood rises upon you, your fuck fucking mother was.
- But what exactly do you want?!
- I will fucking give you what you want. I will fucking give you. Where are the fucking money for the forest?
- But what do you want we were just at the 50th anniversary...
- FUUUCK I was there and I know where you were and what you were doing! I will fucking give you the 50th anniversary I will give you everything before the bright I will fucking everything... Give back my fucking money you motherfuckers fuckers oh I wish bloody fiery lightning struck on you, you fucking bloody sulfurous on you

#polskiedomy #angielski #angielskizwykopem #rozmowypolskopolskie #heheszki #glupiewykopowezabawy
popierduuka - - Stanley? Stan?
- Who's on the phone?
- It's Hedwig.
- Listen, is S...

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