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These girls are never gonna figure out that what they're attracted to and what they want aren't the same thing so they'll never reconcile

They think accepting a less attractive guy who is everything they want is settling

Guys are more practical so we don't struggle as much

That's the entire basis of the Brosnan meme

It's a simple fact that YOUR relationship problems are on YOU

I think a lot of women genuinely don't realize relationships like the one described in the OP are a two way street

Not "this bitch wants to have her cake and eat it too"

But GENUINELY don't know that they need to do things themselves to get that

Because no one told them

I think this is how 4th wave (5th wave?) feminism is gonna manifest

Not as SJW activists, but as women raised solely and entirely by the activists, who didn't pick up the fight but who have completely internalized the ideas as immutable fact

Completely unable to see past it

"what do you mean if I want a sweet caring husband I have to be deferent and do the laundry?"

Not outraged about it but genuinely confused about it

stuck in echo chambers so the idea of "yea basically just be nice to him and clean up and he'll do it all for you" never occurs

This helps sort out how both young men and young women both have the exact same complaints about the dating market and one another

An entire generation that was not taught how to be a human being

It's actually quite sad

And this is absolutely going to hurt women more than men, not just because men are more pragmatic but because we have TIME

We can wait, it's not fair but it is true

Men can also look outside of their group more easily

Most white girls are not going to south east Asia or Latin America and finding a husband because short and brown is a deal breaker for most

You don't have to like that answer but it IS true

I have a feeling a lot of the issues young women face are that GOOD young men have been beaten down by the idea they aren't good enough

The ones left are manipulative sociopaths that are just out to use girls

We've reached a weird point where the incels aren't the weird neuro-atypical guys, they're the normal ones

That's how it feels anyways


Pobierz tyrytyty - These girls are never gonna figure out that what they're attracted to and ...
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@tyrytyty: uhh co za wysryw, ile to ma lat, 14? nie że umniejszam ze wzgledu na wiek tylko na brak doświadczenia. Nie dam sobie wmówić jak mam żyć komuś kto nigdy nie żył
@tyrytyty: teraz kobiety mają alternatywy xxi w spędzaniu wolnego czasu i żeby zakopać do szpitala na rodzenie trzeba lepszych sztuczek niż "po prostu bądźmy bogobojni" chyba, że się pax americana #!$%@?.