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Crashing Markets - GROWTH and INFLATION slowing at the same time. An up day of 5.5% in the S&P 500 just confirms that we are in the mother of all bubbles as volatility is a defining characteristic of crashing markets. In 2008 there were 19 days where the S&P 500 went up by more than 3% in a day (12% was the highest DoD move), in the bull market of 2020 there were 0 days that the S&P 500 went up more than 3% in a day (2.6% was the highest DoD move). The Vix and Nazvol closed in the chop bucket of volatility and Russell Volatility remained in the F Bucket. IVOL Discounts have gone to -1.0 Z Scores across Equities, Currencies, and Fixed Income.

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