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#incel #przegryw #blackpill
Juz nawet Economist spodziewa sie Beta uprisingu

Many such places are badly or oppressively governed. In Turkey the supply shock has accelerated ruinous inflation caused by dotty monetary policy. Around the world, the cost-of-living squeeze is adding to people’s grievances and raising the chance that they will take to the streets. This is more likely to turn violent in places with lots of underemployed, single young men. As their purchasing power falls, many will conclude that they will never be able to afford to marry and have a family. Frustrated and humiliated, some will feel they have nothing to lose if they join a riot.
pawel0008 - #incel #przegryw #blackpill
Juz nawet Economist spodziewa sie Beta upris...

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@pawel0008: duzo w spoleczenstwach mlodych mezczyzn bez jakichkolwiek celow, ktorzy stracili juz jakakolwiek nadzieje na poprawe i normalne zycie, a to najwazniejsza grupa w spoleczenstwie wbrew pozorom, bo to oni pracuja na dobrobyt samotnych madek, ich bombelkow i emerytow. wiec beta uprising nie jest wykluczony w ciagu najblizszych paru lat.