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FIRE! 150KG wyciskanie żołnierskie without legs, as a total NATURALNY :)

And then there was a question whether there is fire ... As you can see, najlepszy wynik improved by 7.5 kg :) And wyciskanie żołnierskie doesn't train properly, I do it once every few months and that's it. Today 130kg went like a szybkie powt. I had to try 150kg and it went.

Lokaut looked what it looked like, because I completely lost my stability at the top, just the day before yesterday I was doing heavy strings, ciągi ze stojaka and wzruszanie ramionami, which caused the entire górna część pleców, tylni łańcuch, dolny korpus to be destroyed: P And I was sore, that's why I lost all the tension at the top, he also let go of his stomach, and I quickly lowered the barbell to avoid making a cuckoo. In this case, 150 kg is even more enjoyable, because being "fresh" I would probably add a few more kilos :)

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