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Bądź firmą obsługującą największe płatne MMO, zalicz wtopę 9 lat temu z tym że diablo 3 nie miało kolejki logowania na premierę i sypało błąd 37 wydaj remaster Diablo 2 znów gra się wywala bo nie zaimplementowałeś kolejki z logowaniem na serwery xD

Login Queue Creation: This past weekend was a series of problems, not the same problem over and over again. Due to a revitalized playerbase, the addition of multiple platforms, and other problems associated with scaling, we may continue to run into small problems. To diagnose and address them swiftly, we need to make sure the “herding”–large numbers of players logging in simultaneously–stops. To address this, we have people working on a login queue, much like you may have experienced in World of Warcraft. This will keep the population at the safe level we have at the time, so we can monitor where the system is straining and address it before it brings the game down completely. Each time we fix a strain, we’ll be able to increase the population caps. This login queue has already been partially implemented on the backend (right now, it looks like a failed authentication in the client) and should be fully deployed in the coming days on PC, with console to follow after.

#diablo2 #diablo2resurrected #blizzard
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@Zuben: skoro gracze nie uczą się na błędach i ciągle kupują testowe produkty to czemu firma miała by robić jakieś usprawnienia w grach skoro zyski się zgadzają.

Pokrzyczą, popłaczą a i tak zapłacą.