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for your attention, #tureckiwykop is under threat.

in an interview with president erdogan today, he made some statements against sözlük. as far as i know this is the first time he makes a statement against a turkish website for it to shut down. i mean, he holds the absolute power and our goverment has done similar things before (blocking access to youtube and twitter for a period of time) so it is possible that we say goodbye to this 22 year old goldmine.

several days before, akp's (government) bots on twitter spammed thousand of tweets against #tureckiwykop, calling for it to shut down. this is mainly because ekşi sözlük is a very politically active platform and almost all the users are against the government.

moreover, founder of the sözlük sedat kapanoğlu wrote some tweets regarding current events at twitter
tty0 - for your attention, #tureckiwykop is under threat. 

in an interview with pr...

źródło: comment_1628719319cCglJ56YRscioO32kpaf7c.jpg

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@tty0: Tyle czasu minęło a to wróciło. Nie spodziewałem się że po dwóch miesiącach że jeden z moich tagów wróci w gorące. A co do tej sprawy. Bardzo smutne rzeczy się dzieją. Skandalem było zamykać stronę o takiej historii. /// It's absurd that he want close so old page with big tradition. Good luck in fight with Erdogan. I hope in Turks will have better life and normal times will
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polish capital which is nothing wrong

@Bordomir: sorry but there is allways some "inside" enemy that goverment fight with. There is no explenation for taking speach freedom from citizens. Now we have german, jews and LGBT. Really? Take a look on our economy, education system, heath system. Here's the real problem, not 0,01% of population.
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@Benq20 reading your written english i must agree that there is a problem with education. Citizen freedom od speech has nothing to do with foreign-state sponsored tv station.
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@jezussek @Rzeszowiak2 thank you so much for your support :) the elections will probably be held in 2023. we've never been this close to overthrowing AKP before. everyone i know of hates the government really. there is no middle ground. you either hate the government or love it, that's how things are like in Turkey
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@tty0: It's good to hear. You are first person which I know and is interested in Turkish politics. Do you think what role the Kurds can play in Turkish politics after 2023? ​Do they have a chance of an alliance against Erdogan with the CHP at all? Is this possible?
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@Rzeszowiak2 currently the opposition consists of HDP (kurds), CHP (social democrats) and İP (secular nationalists). AKP (conservative party) and MHP (conservative nationalists) form the government. HDP will most definitely be against the current government in the next election and might make an alliance with CHP.

the problem is though, there are many people who hate HDP, even people who are anti-AKP. nationalist İP will not be willing to make an alliance
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też będą klaskać uszami jak się w końcu wezmą za internet

@mic8677: mam nadzieję, że wtedy wszyscy wyjdą na ulice.

Trzeba nastraszyć ludzi, że zabiorą instagrama czy coś (tak jak kiedyś za acta wyszli, bo nie będzie można porno ściągać xD ("donald matole, skąd będziesz ściągał pornole" i podobne hasła).
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