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for your attention, #tureckiwykop is under threat.

in an interview with president erdogan today, he made some statements against sözlük. as far as i know this is the first time he makes a statement against a turkish website for it to shut down. i mean, he holds the absolute power and our goverment has done similar things before (blocking access to youtube and twitter for a period of time) so it is possible that we say goodbye to this 22 year old goldmine.

several days before, akp's (government) bots on twitter spammed thousand of tweets against #tureckiwykop, calling for it to shut down. this is mainly because ekşi sözlük is a very politically active platform and almost all the users are against the government.

moreover, founder of the sözlük sedat kapanoğlu wrote some tweets regarding current events at twitter
tty0 - for your attention, #tureckiwykop is under threat. 

in an interview with pr...

źródło: comment_1628719319cCglJ56YRscioO32kpaf7c.jpg

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not sure if this makes sense at all because it is translated from google, but here it goes:

„Żadne media cyfrowe nie są wolne od prawa. Oni zapłacą cenę. Mają wszelkiego rodzaju kłopoty. Nasi ludzie są nieustannie prowokowani programowo. Kwaśny słownik *(#tureckiwykop/ekşi sözlük)* na ich imię. Całkiem kwaśny”.


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Oooo i jako że karakan idzie drogą Erdogana, to już niedługo cenzura neta u nas. Ciekawe czy ci którzy nie oglądali tvn i maja w dupie ustawę anty tvn, też będą klaskać uszami jak się w końcu wezmą za internet.
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Pewna wysoko postawiona wykopowa proteina już nie raz współpracowała z rządową propagandą, moderacja też robi swoje, więc tu raczej zamykania strony nie będzie w przyszłości, a jedynie dogadanie się między sobą :/
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Kto pamięta aferę z Turkami na wykopie ??? xD

@tty0: that's funny ( ok, more like... sad) coincidence, because yesterday polish gvrmt passed the bill against the biggest anti-government TV station, so I would say you come at the exactly right time. I mean, ppl here are really starting to relate with different autocracies.

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@giocarte: as people of different countries, we'll fight for our freedom of speech and will not let them silence us. governments are temporary, but as people, we are here to stay.

i hope we, as turks manage to elect a sane government after 19 years xD
not very into your politics but hope you guys get rid of that PiS or smth you are dealing with
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@Benq20: they used to block via DNS but now they are using some other techniques. ISP-level block as far as i am aware. there are many sites which cannot be accessed without a VPN

but since ekşi sözlük is a turkish based website, they might be able to close it completely. we will see what happens
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@papaj_21_37: well all sites which include *ahem* adult content are blocked. twitter, facebook and youtube have been blocked before but their bans have been lifted.

they could've blocked VPN ips but i've never had any problems using a VPN yet. not sure why they haven't done it yet honestly
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@tty0: there is a huge difference between what is going on in Poland and what you are dealing with. Law and Justice Party in here has passed a bill to make sure the media companies are owned by polish capital which is nothing wrong. Americans, Jews and Germans have problem with that.

Also, I do hope that wykop is the next thing to be shut down. This site should have
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@tty0: Wishing you the best guys!

Our countries are getting closer and closer to authoritarianism and only us, the people who knows what the freedom is can change this ongoing degradation of freedom standards. The freedom of expression is a fundamental human right. It reinforces all other human rights, allowing society to develop and progress.

Stay strong and united #tureckiwykop ()
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@tty0: Białek (owner of Wykop.pl) should make something like wykop.pl/international/ for non-polish speakers. I would love to read about news and memes from around the world
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