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#gtav #gta5 #chiliadmystery #spisek #afera #zwiedzamylossantos

First off, I want to thank GTA Forums user - WrathChildz for gathering this information from a lot of different threads, and compiling it in an easy to read format. If you want to join the hunt for more easter eggs, mysteries, the possible jet pack, or flyable UFO, you came to the right place. Check out the information below and lets try to figure out what other possibilities are out there in GTAV.


I'd like to make some rules : If you want to show us something, don't tell us with words where it is exactly but show it on a map, That will be easier to find. Trolls, please, don't f*ck the thread and let us do what we want, if you are here to say "there's no jetpack hurduurr" this is useless and waste of time.

PICTURES RELATED HERE: HERE ARE THE PICS: GLYPH TOP OF MNT CHILIAD http://s23.postimg.org/4pgpfmz5n/Xj_Ab_He_C.jpg GLYPH LOCATIONS RELATING TO GLYPH TOP OF MNT CHILIAD http://s8.postimg.org/mbi70mevp/0ohz06_P.png MAP http://s22.postimg.org/aojbs3rn5/1241810_10151935857637806_426794850_n.jpg UNDERWATER UFO http://s16.postimg.org/rre5pw0zp/2_R2c0_U9.jpg BIG FOOT http://s16.postimg.org/7mklkf75x/1b_NVi_Jt.png ALIEN UNDER ICE http://s15.postimg.org/bxqtqf2iz/ew_Bqk_Tp.png FORT ZANCUDO UFO http://s8.postimg.org/44vat5djp/hqdefault.jpg UFO OVER DESERT http://s12.postimg.org/3um68imwt/UFO_Sandy_Shores_GTAV.png

Things we know :

At various points in the game world there are Glyphs. These are markings in either red or yellow paint that provide information to the player. The glyphs show under what conditions that UFOs hidden in the map will spawn. The majority of the markings are on the western side of Mount Chiliad. It is believed that the mural in the cable car station at the summit of Mount Chiliad indicates where these glyphs are to be found. A glyph has been found in the Grand Senora desert that links a UFO appearance to the Sculpture Park that appears in the south east of the desert. The Glyphs also appear inside and on the bottom of the hill below the Altruist Camp. In fact, they appear here so prevalent that the Altruists are believed to have painted them.

UFOs : There are four known instances of UFOs appearing within the game.

Underwater: A crashed UFO is underwater of the northern coast of the map, slightly east of the islands on the northern tip. It is believed to be the spaceship that Omega refers to when he says one exploded and scattered spaceship part collectibles around the map.

On Mount Chiliad:

What is believed to be a hologram of a UFO appears at the top of Mount Chiliad at 3 am on a stormy night when you have completed the game 100% (not true 100%). It is believed to be a hologram as it does not react to bullets or explosions and disappears if you get too close. However, it is unknown from where this hologram is projected. The glyphs on the western side of Mt Chiliad state the conditions for this to appear and further clues including a UFO shaped glyph under the viewing platform at the top and a sign on the far side of the platform stating "Return when your story is complete" also show conditions to make this UFO spawn. It is likely that this is a government made or MIB style UFO as it has FIB (the in game FBI) written on it.

Above the Sculpture Park:

After completing the game to 100% (not true 100%) a UFO spawns above the Sculpture Park in Grand Senora. This is the same model used for the crashed UFO and the Mount Chiliad UFO (as well as used within some cut scenes within the game) but it is a physical object within the world. It is currently impossible to enter the UFO.

Above Fort Zancudo:

At 3am, a strange green light forms a shape on top of a bunker within Fort Zancudo. This shape is similar to one found on front of a building in San Andreas. This light is cast by a UFO that looks significantly different to the other models on the map. It is likely that this is a prototype for an advanced stealth plane based upon technology recovered from the crashed UFO (one mission tells you about a submariner who was hired to collect something from the bottom of the sea only to die in a freak 'accident' shortly after). Upon this UFO is written Rearrange and Segregate. If you rearrange the letters in the word segregate it makes Easter Egg. This UFO cannot currently be entered.


At 11pm-12pm on Mt Gordo on the eastern side of the map, the ghost of a murdered woman appears floating above the word Jock written in blood. She is the ghost of the ex-wife of Jock Cranley, the Vinewood Stuntman turned Conservative candidate for Governor.


During a mission called Predator, you have the opportunity to view people in a forest using a thermal camera on a helicopter. Very briefly, the distinct heat signature of Bigfoot appears before disappearing. In a later mission after the main story arc is complete, you get to bump into someone pretending to be Bigfoot, a reference to a mission in the Red Dead Redemption Undead Nightmare add-on, where you make the Sasquatches extinct.


At the beginning of the game, you're in a Northern US town of North Yankton escaping from the police. Take a detour offroad and drive along the frozen stream under the bridge. Frozen in the ice of the stream is an alien, similar to those seen later in the main storyline.

Secrets on the Special Edition Map: If you bought the Special Edition of GTA V you got a nifty blueprint map with it. Hold this under a UV light and you will see Trevor Phillips has written some helpful hints. The markings and writings highlight some of the collectible weapons, spaceship parts, letter scraps and submarine parts within the game world as well as showing where some of the military vehicles are kept. Unfortunately, the map does not indicate anything further.

Things we aren't sure of but DO exist :

Infinite 8 killer : Around the Gran Senora desert and Sandy Shores are numerous wall writings from someone dubbed the Infinite 8 Killer. It's believed to be a former resident of Sandy Shores called Merle Abrahams who became obsessed with the number 8 and the Ouroboros symbol for infinity. His drawings and writings have led players to believe he has murdered 8 people as part of a ritual and kept the bodies in the area of the islands on the very northern tip of the map. It's also believed he was caught by the police before he was able to complete the ritual. Nothing has yet been found on the islands or in the sea around this area.

Mount Chiliad mural : In the cable car station at the summit of Mount Chiliad is an odd mural that seems to indicate a series of hidden passages within the mountain that lead to a UFO, a Cracked Egg and a Jetpack. There are a number of squares that contain Xs above the symbols for these three items and above the summit is a Glyph that has been seen before referring to a UFO. The shape of the mural is a reference to the Illuminati pyramid and All Seeing Eye which is found on US currency. The boxes containing Xs mark the locations of a number of the glyphs found on the western side of Mt Chiliad, as mentioned above.

It is unknown what relevance the symbols at the bottom of the mural have as no jetpack or cracked egg has yet been found. It is possible that each symbol refers to one of the three flying UFOs found around the map.

Agents/MIBs : On Mt Gordo slightly north of the quarry there is a cabin next to a radio tower. At certain times of day you will find a civilian in a workman's outfit accompanied by a number of men dressed in suits and shades with a black van nearby.

At certain times of day, you will see at least one civilian in a lab coat accompanied by a number of the same suit wearing civilians around the radio telescope array in the desert area of the map. These are believed to be FIB agents and seem to indicate a darker hidden backstory to the telescope array and towers. No other sightings have been found, but it can be noted that one of the radio telescopes points towards Fort Zancudo.

Underwater Hatch :

On the eastern side of the map, underwater is a white structure set into the sea bed. There is a small rectangular window set into the top of this, which lights up when the player draws near. This is believed to be a reference to a structure called The Hatch in the TV show Lost. However, this structure was in the jungle in the TV show and not at the bottom of the sea. The purpose of this structure, if any, is unknown.

Epsilon/Illuminati : As in GTA San Andreas, the Epsilon cult (a spoof of Scientology) exist in the game world. In fact, you can even do missions for them which can result in you gathering ten 'tracts' (religious documents) for them. On the GTA Social Club stats page, there are apparently 15 tracts to collect, not the ten advised of within the game. It is unknown if further tracts do exist or whether or not Rockstar have made a mistake in the stat or have released a hint at further DLC or GTA Online. The Epsilon Sect and the Illuminati may well be considered one and the same within GTA V. There are numerous references around the game world of structures forming the shape of an eye, referencing the All Seeing Eye of the Illuminati as well as of Pyramids. The Epsilon sect has their symbol on the San Andreas state symbol, much like the Illuminati do on US currency. It is unknown whether or not the Epsilon/Illuminati have any other impact on the game other than the set missions or adding a general feel to the environment.

Unproven items and fakes

Jetpack photos :

Any photos of characters wearing a jetpack are to be considered fake unless accompanied by a location the jetpack was found, video footage and multiple photographs at different angles, as well as confirmation from other sources.

Tunnel in Mount Chiliad: There is a tunnel through the mountain the Altruists reside on as you drive towards the Altruists. This contains two doors that say T01 and T02. These doors are standard textures/objects that seem to appear in all tunnels and have no significance. The keypads reported on the doors that spark when shot react the same as any type of electrical equipment in the game.

There are also pictures of what is believed to be another access point within the area of the mountain, what looks like a large storm drain that leads to a T junction. This is inaccessible at the moment and so is not believed to have any relevance as an entry point but jest serves as a drainage channel.


A video has been doing the rounds of a 'numbers station' and weird noise playing at a certain point in the sea in the north west of the map. When played through a decoder, this has given a picture of a HUD of an Apache gun camera or of the planet Earth as seen from the moon. This has not been further verified by any player and is considered to be fake until proven otherwise.

Waterfall tunnel: In the northern of the two water courses that lead west out of the Alamo Sea there is a waterfall, behind which photos have shown the possibility of a tunnel. This tunnel just can't seem to be accessed at all so is likely a texture glitch unless proved otherwise. NB It may be possible to block this particular waterfall with a log seen near to the top. This has yet to be tried.

Areas of interest There are many areas of interest within the game world that you may miss completely or simply ignore. Here is a non-definitive list:

Fort Zancudo The northern most mountains The Prison The two outdoor theatres The dams and reservoirs Mt Josiah The Quarry The Altruists Camp The Observatory The Airport Mt Chiliad The Telescope Array Grove Street Maze Bank FIB HQ Noose HQ

WORTHY POSTS TO CHECK OUT: http://www.reddit.com/r/GrandTheftAutoV/comments/1n8x94/mysteries_and_easter_eggs_the_most_up_to_date/ http://www.reddit.com/r/GrandTheftAutoV/comments/1n96g4/grand_theft_auto_drinking_game_with_friends_lets/

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