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Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen


Talia fiszek anki plik

to suppurate - ropieć [(of an injury, etc.) to form or give out a thick, yellow liquid because of infection]
Suppurating wounds are also a potential source of environmental contamination with infectious bacilli.
thereupon - po czym, zaraz, bezzwłocznie [formal; immediately after the situation mentioned; as a direct result of the situation mentioned]
The audience thereupon rose cheering to their feet.
vehement - żarliwy, gwałtowny [expressing strong feelings, or shown by strong feelings or great energy or force]
Despite vehement opposition from his family, he quit school and became an actor.
to mangle - niszczyć, szarpać [to destroy something by twisting it with force or tearing it into pieces so that its original form is completely changed]
My sweater got mangled in the washing machine.
warlike - bojowy, wojowniczy [formal; often involved in and eager to start wars]
It has often been said, perhaps unfairly, that they are a warlike nation.
lyre - lira [an ancient musical instrument consisting of a U-shaped frame with strings attached to it]
They played the lyre, but they never played the harp.
transgression - występek, przekroczenie, postępek [formal; the act or process of breaking a law or moral rule, or an example of this]
Adolescence is a period marked by fascination with the transgression of rules.
testy - drażliwy, rozdrażniony [easily annoyed and not patient]
Prodi became more than a little testy when I raised the subject.
to overthrow - obalić [to defeat or remove someone from power, using force]
They were accused of plotting to overthrow the government.
nick - zadraśnięcie [a small cut in a surface or an edge]
Apart from a few nicks in the varnish, the guitar is in very good condition.
bonus - idiom
on course
If you are on course for something, you are likely to achieve it.
Our team is on course for a victory in the national championship.


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GlenPL - Tag do subskrybowania: #glenen


Talia fiszek anki plik

to supp...

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