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Dwa lata temu, kiedy jeszcze bylem turbokatolem, mialem to niesamowite szczescie trafic na wideo Pata Condella. Jego krotkie monologi o religii (z lat 2007-2011) przyczynily sie, jak to w ktoryms z filmow ujal, do "kickstart your brain, you ignorant Christian shitkicker". Jako wzorcowo zindoktrynowany czlowiek nie bylem w stanie odeprzec jego argumentow, a po wstepnej rozlace z kosciolem zaczalem dostrzegac i rozumiec ten oparty na strachu religijny "aparat", ktory jest ludziom calkowicie zbyteczny.
Polecam kazdemu, kto powatpiewa badz zastanawia sie nad slusznoscia wierzen. Pat nie jest jedynie krytykiem chrzescijanstwa, opowiada o problemach z okolic wiary z perspektywy osoby, ktora na pierwszym miejscu stawia wolnosc osobista. Zaawansowany angielski wymagany.

Podaje tytul oraz wybrany cytat z klipow, ktore warto obejrzec:
- God is not enough (zalaczony w poscie) - Show me another dangerous, death-embracing croc of supernatural bullshit and I will give it exactly the same treatment - I promise
- Don't pray for me - People will keep threatening to pray for you, which can be a little creepy and as you know they are not praying for you to become happy and fulfilled, but for you to become religious, which is often far from the same thing
- Hello angry christians - I have to admit, if I were religious, I would probably think to myself "how come I have all this weight on my shoulders, when these bums are getting a free ride
- What's good about religion? - What I like most about christianity, is that it is not islam, which is a major bonus in my opinion, unfortunately, it is christianity, which takes most of shine off of it for me
- God or nothing - Maybe you think that believing in nothing will plunge you into some kind of existential void, a bottomless casm of uncertaintly perhaps? Not to worry, that's what we call an open mind!
- A secular world is a sane world - If you are wretched enough to buy into that life-sucking drivel, the only thing you need to be saved from is your own gullibility
- The faith of idiots - Of course not everyone who has religious faith is a complete idiot. But a lot of stupid people DO have faithe because they are stupid, for the very simple reason that believing is a hell of a lot easier than thinking
- Why debate dogma? - Dogma is blind and deaf to anything that reason has to offer - faith is nonnegotiable, so where exactly is the debate?
- A god of life - The most genuinly positive thing i can say about religion is that it is a triumph of human imagination
- Take your god and shove him - Being called "close-minded" by religious people is bit like being called "yellow" by a bunch of bananas
- What do I believe? - I believe that you won't find the truth in any book - you have to look within. I don't know where it came from, I must have read it somewhere
- The curse of faith - What the bloody hell are you doing on your knees, praying like an idiot, like some dog told how to do something without understanding why? Get up and stop making fool of yourself
- God bless atheism - To me, atheism is just another word for "reality"
- Children of a stupid god - we are not his children at all, but in fact he [god] is our child, and he's a very, very bad boy
- Freedom is my religion - I said before, freedom is my religion. And I wasn't joking, because we all know you should never joke about soemthing solemn and sacred, as religion
- Godless and free - I want to live in a free world, full of free people, who can say whatever they want to say, and who can be whoever they want to be, one hundred percent of the time, and where nobody is allowed to shut them up cause their crackop relligious beliefs have been offended
- The troule with christianity - I reject christianity along with the clerical criminals who run christianity and the fake, artifical Jesus they have invented for public consumption
- Your faith is a joke - Faith transcends the reason the same way a criminal transcends the law
- Why does faith deserve respect? - You might aswell be telling me about your dreams - which is essentially what you are doing
- Aggresive atheism - I don't think it is possible to be too aggresive in defending freedom of speech, which is of course, absolutly sacred, much much more sacred than any god, or propher, or scripture could, or will ever be from now till the end of time
- The great jesus swindle - there is a popular misconception among christians that the purpose of their religion is to spread "the message of Jesus", in fact the purpose of christianity is to suppress the message of Jesus
- Waiting for Jesus - he looks around the world and sees millions of people worshipping him as a god like a bunch of savages, knowing full well it's not what he preached, and that's the last thing he wants
- God the psycho - Look at Adam and Eve. They have been punished for being true to their nature - the very nature the god endowed them with

#katolicyzm #religia #patcondell
nie przepadam za tym tagiem, ale otaguje jeszcze #bekazkatoli dla zasiegu.
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Jako wzorcowo zindoktrynowany czlowiek nie bylem w stanie odeprzec jego argumentow

@kenyadrip: obejrzę, odniosę się i przeczytam dalszą część Twojego wpisu, ale w takich momentach zawsze sobie myślę, czy autor, tzn. czy wziąłeś pod uwagę fakt, że Kościół trwa od 2 tysięcy lat i naprawdę setki wybitnych myślicieli było chrześcijanami, w tym tacy geniusze jak św. Tomasz z Akwinu, i w związku z tym, czy fakt, że Ty nie byłeś w
Ty nie byłeś w stanie odeprzeć tych argumentów

@Dawidk01: Te tzw "argumenty" są nieodpieralne, ponieważ są niefalsyfikowalne i mogą istnieć jedynie w oparciu o sieć przedsądów, której odrzucenie zupełnie uniemożliwia dyskusję. Katolicy np sądzą, że zygota jest człowiekiem. Tak samo jak jajko jest kurą. Jakich argumentów można by użyć, żeby zmienić zdanie kogoś, kto zaprzecza świadectwu własnych zmysłów? Człowiek taki uznaje, że niedostrzegalna gołym okiem zygota jest człowiekiem. Albo jeśli na