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#programowanie #programista15k #python #pyheart

Czołem, podklejam podsumowanie aktywności z zeszłego tygodnia (od 4 do 10 stycznia 2021) na https://pyheart.pl (agregatorze polsko oraz anglojęzycznego kontentu związanego z językiem programowania Python).
Jeżeli nie chcesz przegapić kolejnego zestawienia, to zapraszam do śledzenia hashtagu #pyheart.

Link do podsumowania: https://pyheart.pl/summaries/4ccbae22.

Kontent uwzględniony w ww. podsumowaniu:
Artykuły (26)
- StackAbuse - Comparing Datetimes in Python - With and Without Timezones
- BetterProgramming - Getting Started With Asynchronous Programming in Python
- BetterProgramming - Distributed Task Queues With Django, RabbitMQ, and Celery
- Azia Dashboard - A modern design, now available in Flask and Django
- RealPython - Develop Data Visualization Interfaces in Python With Dash
- Adam Johnson - Better Exception Output in Django’s Test Runner With better-exceptions
- Machine Learning Mastery - A Gentle Introduction to Machine Learning Modeling Pipelines
- AppSpeed Blog - Flask Template - Star Admin
- BetterProgramming - Making API Requests in Python: aiohttp Client vs. Requests
- TestDriven.io - Python Project Workflow
- JustDjango - 7 concepts you should know to get a job as a Django developer
- Mateusz Mazurek - Podsumowanie roku 2020
- Machine Learning Mastery - Semi-Supervised Learning With Label Spreading
- Adam Johnson - How to Override the gunicorn Server Header
- RealPython - Python's .append(): Add Items to Your Lists in Place
- What Is a Python Package?
- BetterProgramming - Beautiful Plots With Python and Seaborn
- AppSpeed Blog - Flask Template - Start fast by using production-ready starters
- Haki Benita - 2020 Year in Review
- StackAbuse - Python: Safely Create Nested Directory
- Machine Learning Mastery - Multinomial Logistic Regression With Python
- BetterProgramming - NumPy Illustrated: The Visual Guide to NumPy
- AppSpeed Blog - Flask - A list of useful “HOW TO’s”
- Monadical Blog - Oddslingers Open Source Announcement
- Machine Learning Mastery - Semi-Supervised Learning With Label Propagation
- Machine Learning Mastery - Histogram-Based Gradient Boosting Ensembles in Python

YouTube (15)
- Python walrus operator :=
- freeCodeCamp - Build 12 Data Science Apps with Python and Streamlit - Full Course
- Wes Doyle - Let's Build: Chess Engine (#8)
- Drone Programming With Python Course | 3 Hours | Including x4 Projects (2021)
- Learn Python With Rune - Multiple Time Frame Analysis - Apply it with DOW Theory and Analyse with Python
- Sebastiaan Mathôt - Inheritance [Object-oriented programming in Python, pt. 3]
- Python duck typing
- python scoping (beginner - intermediate) anthony explains #197
- Sebastiaan Mathôt - Creating your own class [Object-oriented programming in Python, pt. 2]
- Django Lessons - Advanced Logging with Django
- Bryan Cafferky - Using PostgreSQL with Python for Data Analysis
- Pyplane - Amazon price tracker with Django and Beautiful Soup | part 3
- Sebastiaan Mathôt - The basics of object-oriented programming in Python [pt. 1]
- python: class-based @decorators (intermediate - advanced) anthony explains #195
- freeCodeCamp - Image Generation using GANs | Zero to GANs (6/6)

Podkasty (3)
- Podcast._init_ (#296) - How Python's Evolution Impacts Your Fluency With Luciano Ramalho
- Machine Learning Mastery - Univariate Function Optimization in Python
- Django Chat (#82) - Telemedicine - Matt Layman

Eventy/warsztaty (1)
- Wizualizacja Danych w Pythonie z dr Michałem Korzyckim i SKN Statystyki

Newslettery (1)
- Django News (#57)

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