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Otóż "niefortunny" timing decyzji TK w sprawie aborcji może wykraczać poza chęć odwrócenia uwagi przez PiS od innych kwestii na polskim podwórku:

Artykuł z dziś:

US, Saudi Arabia and Uganda join forces to declare women have no intrinsic right to abortion


“In no case should abortion be promoted as a method of family planning,” states the declaration, which was signed during a virtual gathering of countries in Washington DC on Thursday.

It adds: “There is no international right to abortion, nor any international obligation on the part of states to finance or facilitate abortion.”


The declaration is part of a Trump administration attempt, led by the evangelical Christian secretary of state Mike Pompeo [który gościł przed paroma miesiącami w Polsce], to establish a more socially conservative foreign policy agenda.


[Donald Trump] has championed conservative values and reached out to pro-life groups for support while in the White House.

Appointed by the president in 2018, Mr Pompeo has been seeking to push a pro-life US foreign policy during his time in office.

Lista sygnatariuszy:

Kingdom of Bahrain

Republic of Belarus

Republic of Benin

Federative Republic of Brazil (co-sponsor)

Burkina Faso

Republic of Cameroon

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Republic of the Congo

Republic of Djibouti

Arab Republic of Egypt (co-sponsor)

Kingdom of Eswatini

Republic of The Gambia

Republic of Haiti

Hungary (co-sponsor)

Republic of Indonesia (co-sponsor)

Republic of Iraq

Republic of Kenya

State of Kuwait

State of Libya

Republic of Nauru

Republic of Niger

Sultanate of Oman

Islamic Republic of Pakistan

Republic of Poland

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Republic of Senegal

Republic of South Sudan

Republic of Sudan

Republic of Uganda (co-sponsor)

United Arab Emirates

United States of America (co-sponsor)

Republic of Zambia

Cały artykuł.

Jak widzicie w bardzo doborowym towarzystwie się znaleźliśmy i naprawdę nie sądzę, by PiS sam wpadł na podpisanie tego. Wygląda mi to na "propozycję nie do odrzucenia" ze strony Białego Domu, złożoną prawdopodobnie podczas niedawnej wizyty Pompeo.

#polityka #polska #swiat #lgbt #csiwykop
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Under President Trump’s leadership, the United States has defended the dignity of human life everywhere and always. He’s done it like no other President in history. We’ve also mounted an unprecedented defense of the unborn abroad. (…) Today, we’re taking the next step, as we sign the Geneva Consensus Declaration. At its very core, the Declaration protects women’s health, defends the unborn, and reiterates the vital importance of the family as the foundation of society.

Pompeo, inne
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