Aktywne Wpisy
qwe_ +23
Ktoś może mi wytłumaczyć o co chodzi tej prezenterce z Kanału Zero?
#kanalsportowy #kanalzero #stanowski
#kanalsportowy #kanalzero #stanowski
Azorek77 +2
Wybierz z kim spędzisz najbliższe 10 lat w dwuosobowej celi
- Czarnek 1.9% (4)
- Jarosław Kaczyński 15.8% (33)
- Jacek Sasin 4.8% (10)
- Zbigniew Ziobro 6.2% (13)
- Andrzej Duda 22.0% (46)
- Mateusz Morawiecki 7.2% (15)
- Marek Suski 10.0% (21)
- Artur Soboń xD 13.9% (29)
- Beata Szydło 12.4% (26)
- Mariusz Kamiński 5.7% (12)
I knew this girl in college, she a very preachy, outspokenly judgemental Mormon girl. After college she moved out to Utah, got pregnant and engaged, and then the engagement was broken off. Her son was born a few months ago and every picture she posts of him has some sort of jab or plea directed at the kid's father (who apparently is now married and has a child with his wife).
The tattoo has her son's initials and birthdate, and what I assume is a fox inside of the deer outline. It was done during the Pandemic but she didn't credit a shop...or artist.