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#koronawirus #2019ncov #epidemia

Mirki i Mirabelki, przygotowałem wpis po angielsku nt. najważniejszych produktów które warto mieć na wypadek koronawirus. Jak zakładać maske n95, jak zdejmować rękawiczki, jakie leki mieć w domu na wypadek jeżeli szpitale są przepełnione i nie mogą udzielić Ci pomocy, jak przechowywać wode i jakie jedzenie kupować. Chyba wszyscy wiemy że to Empty streets, empty shelves in Italy będzie u nas za pare dni. Jak byłem na zakupach pare dni temu w Tesco to nikt nie kupował puszek, makaronów, ryżu, wszyscy sobie szczęsliwie kaszleli... Czy wydatek 800 pln by mieć spokój ducha na 2 tygodnie to aż tak dużo?

Panic is your worse enemy and to be less anxious and be more calm I suggest to prep a little bit. I'm a prepper (please no stigma, I'm not far-right or anything, I'm not a tin-foil-hat, I don't believe in zombies...) and here are some steps you can take to be less preoccupied. Personally, I prefer to have the peace of mind and enjoy life than stress about every new case of corona.

"I wish I wasn't prepared" - nobody, ever.

Ten post jest też w wersji artykułu na tej stronie. Więcej produktów, więcej linków itp.

As /u/Disgraceful_Carrot pointed this out here with all the links COVID-19 is no small feat.

1. The virulence (R0) of SARS-CoV-2 is estimated between 1.4-6.49, with a median of 3.28. This is much higher than the seasonal flu, which has an R0 of 1.3. What this means is that SARS-CoV-2 spreads signficantly faster than the seasonal flu.
2. The Case Fatality Rate (CFR) of SARS-CoV-2 is at least 2-3% . This is 20-30 times higher than the CFR of the season flu, which is around .1% .
3. SARS-CoV-2 can be transmitted without the infected showing any symtoms. This makes it much more difficult to control.
4. Roughly 20% of SARS-CoV-2 infections result in serious symptoms that require medical intervention. This is more than 10 times the hospitalization rate of the seasonal flu.
5. Symptoms from SARS-CoV-2 can persist over a month compared to the seasonal flu where symptoms typically tend to clear after 5 days.
6. There is no vaccine for SARS-CoV-2 whereas people regularly get annual flu shots.
7. There is no herd immunity for SARS-CoV-2 which means that it can theoretically infect the entire population. for example, a Korean psychiatric department where the virus infected 99/102 people

So, the main pillars of prepping going from the most urgent are:

1. Personal finance and good health
1. Two to four weeks bug-in preps
1. Bug out bags to leave your home on a moment’s notice (in case of quarantine)

Unfortunately, too many preppers focus on a one or two big SHTF scenarios, like war or sudden total grid collapse. But you can’t predict what will happen, and I assume, you have a limited budget for prepping. So the goal is to match your prepping efforts to only the most probable.


THE most important prep is water. Water, especially water affected by emergencies like grid failure or flooding, contains organisms that can make you very sick at the worst possible moment. And you need a lot of water. An average male body won’t survive past 3 days without water. FEMA says that 1 gal per person per day (3.8L) is enough for drinking, washing and cooking. A family of 4 for 2 weeks would need = 3.8L x 4 ppl x 14 days = 212 liters.

What containers? Most everyone uses plastic. You need Food-grade, BPA-free, HDPE plastic to be safe for long-term storage. If a container meets these requirements, then it’s almost always stamped in the plastic. You can get away with non-food grade if you’re feeling lucky. Water bottles use a cheaper, thinner plastic that will leach over time, ruining your water. Good to have if you rotate regularly, but not for “set it and forget it”.

Clean your containers out. Fill it with warm water and a little dish soap. Close cap. Shake. Drain and rinse. Fill it with a quart (about 15 seconds of normal faucet flow) and a teaspoon of unscented household chlorine bleach. Close cap. Wait 30 seconds. Shake well. Wait 30 seconds again. Drain and rinse. Storage location should be kept around room temperature with no big temperature swings and no direct sunlight. Sun helps things to grow inside the water and helps the tank degrade faster. So, a basement is ideal. Inside a closet is next. Remember that plastic can absorb chemicals, so try not to store water containers on cement garage floors or other places where it will contact bad stuff. You can also filter your water - I recommend the Katadyn Hiker Pro or Katadyn Micropur pills


We are striving for high calories, good and cheap food that is easily prepared and can be also moved with ease. Try to buy food that you would normally eat. If you are disgusted by sardines, don’t buy 50 cans of it… Maybe canned meat would be better suited for you.
An average person needs roughly 1,500 calories per day and the happyprepper has a list of 37 foods to hoard. 1,500 calories x 4 ppl x 14 days = 84,000 calories. If you want to keep track of your pantry you can use this Stockpile-o-mat or print a paper list.


* Dehydrated powdered milk
* Dehydrated eggs
* Canned & dehydrated meats, poultry, fish. Spam, Corned beef, bacon etc.
* Meal ready to eat in jars or cans but not in tomato sauce! (bear in mind the expiration date)


* Oils
* Nuts
* Peanut Butter


* Whole wheat, potato and corn flour
* Cereals and Oats
* Rice (White! brown rice can go bad quicker)
* Pasta
* Crackers and cookies
* Beans
* Potato Flakes
* Honey


* Drink mixes: Coffee, bouillon, tea
* Jams and jellies
* Canned Veggies and Canned Fruits
* Salt, Sugar, Black pepper, Spices
* Condiments (Ketchup)
* Chocolate
* Vitamins
* Alcohol
* Baking soda
* Insta soup



Naming convention of respirators in the US: N — Not oil resistant, R — Oil resistant, P — Oil proof. 95, 99 and 100 — % of airborne particles filtered. So the best respirator would be — P100.

In Europe: P is used for the half- and full-mask respirators and FFP for disposable respirators. P1 - Filters at least 80% of airborne particles, P2- Filters at least 94% of airborne particles, P3- Filters at least 99% of airborne particles. So the best would be a P3/FFP3. For Full CBRN masks use the ABEK naming convention: A — Organic Vapors, B — Inorganic Vapors, E — Acidic vapors, K — Ammonia gases, P — Dust. So a A3B3E3K3-P3 is the strongest filter you can get.

How to fit a mask

[n95 fit](https://miro.medium.com/max/559/1EUz9R7s6yRscjZAbRO4DeA.jpeg)

One thing to remember is that surgical or dust masks — the kind you typically find in hospitals, pharmacies, and hardware stores — WILL NOT HELP in emergencies.

What masks are the best? In short: a N95-P100 respirator from 3M preferably a fullface one.


Viruses contained in these droplets can infect other people via the eyes, nose, or mouth — either when they land directly on somebody’s face or when they’re transferred there by people touching their face with contaminated hands.


In The Journal of Hospital Infection The first section of the new paper focuses on how long Covid can survive on inanimate surfaces (...) depending on the material and the conditions, human coronaviruses can remain infectious from 2 hours to 9 days. That’s why it is so important to wear gloves and not to touch your face. Simple nitrile gloves will do.


* wet wipes,
* hand sanitizer,
* soap,
* Toothpaste, Toothbrushes, Dental floss
* Deodorant
* Solar shower for hot showers without electricity
* Garbage bags, rubber bands or twist ties
* Trash bags! Lot of them



General & misc:

* Z-fold gauze (4x)
* Medical tape (3x standard rolls)
* Rolled gauze (8x standard rolls)
* 4″ x 4″ gauze pads (30x)
* Cotton balls (100x)
* Cotton swabs (100x)
* Trauma shears
* White petroleum jelly / Vaseline, 7.5 oz (2x)
* Isopropyl alcohol 70%, 16 oz (4x)
* General medical reference guide
* Medical tape, plastic (3x standard rolls)
* Safety pins (10x assorted sizes)
* Mylar emergency blankets (4x)
* Nasopharyngeal airway / “NPA”, 28 fr with lube


* Any personal prescriptions or condition-specific needs
* ibuprofen
* aspirin
* antibiotics (Please consult your MD!)
* anti-diarrheal (immodium)
* anti-histamines
* activated charcoal
* potassium iodine
* Benadryl
* Hydrocortisone cream
* Honey
* Aloe gel
* Sudafed / Pseudoephedrine
* Mucinex / Guaifenesin
* Pedialyte / Electrolyte powders
* Afrin / Oxymetazolin
* Pepcid / Famotidine
* Dulcolax / Bisacodyl
* Aleve / Naproxen sodium
* Long-acting antihistamines / Zyrtec / Allegra / Claritin

Bone & joint:

* Coban roll (10x standard rolls)
* Cravat / triangular bandage, large 45″ x 45″ x 63″ (6x)
* ACE wrap / elastic bandage (4x)
* Undercast padding, standard 3″ x 4 yards (12x)
* SAM Splint / aluminium splint, 36″ (2x) Allegro
* Reusable cold pack, 4″ rounds (12x)
* Instant cold pack, 6″ x 9″ (12x)

Cuts & soft tissue:

* Band-Aid variety pack
* 60cc syringe with 18ga tip
* Tweezers
* Butterfly wound closures, 0.5″ x 2.75″ (100x)
* Steri-Strips, 1/2″ x 4″ (32x)
* Kelly forceps
* Tissue forceps
* Medical stapler and staple remover (2x)
* Tourniquet (2x) Cat 7
* Pressure bandage (4x)
* Celox-A hemostatic agent with applicator
* Chest seals (2 pairs)

Burns & blisters:

* Burn Jel
* Moleskin
* Straight needle and thread
* Leukotape

Feminine hygiene, menstruation, and pregnancy:

* Menstrual pads and/or tampons
* Monistat
* Birth control: condoms, pills, patches, and/or diaphragms
* Pregnancy test (4x)
* Plan B / emergency contraception (2x)
* Midol

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Post dodany za pomocą skryptu AnonimoweMirkoWyznania ( https://mirkowyznania.eu ) Zaakceptował: marcel_pijak
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OP: @HenryMorgan: @AltCtrlSpace: Sam napisałem ten artykuł i potrafie po polsku. Chciałem po prostu uderzyć w większe grono ludzi. Anglicy nie zrozumieją po polsku a Polak nie będzie miał problemu po angielsku.

W artykule Medium zawarłem też linki do produktów na allegro.

@eternit_nie_wybacza: @NieznanyWykopek: Woda jest de facto najważniejsza po zdrowiu i poduszce finansowej. Bez wody nie da sie przeżyć. Ktoś musi chodzić do pracy w oczyszczalni ścieków, w stacjach uzdatniania, w wodociągach itd. A co jeżeli te osoby zachorują? Oczywiście wtedy wojsko przejmuje role i dostarcza-utrzymuje infrastrukture ale możesz być pewny że w razie takiego wydarzenia będą przerwy w dostawie wody. Lepiej ją mieć
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PlujacyDaniel: Po co siejesz niepotrzebnie panikę wśród głupszych ludzi? Nawet we Włoszech i Wuhan nie brakło produktów w sklepie. Były w jednym czy drugim czasowe niedobory produktów takich jak ryż, ale nikt nie umarł z głodu czy braku wody.

Zaakceptował: Precypitat

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