Wpis z mikrobloga

1020. С Наступающим!

I'd like to thank all users who gave some attention to my humble person in last year. Just in case nobody else has congratulated them yet. Although for those beautiful people it would be hard to believe so. Happy New Year goes, without any particular order, to:

@Lutniczek: whose +1 were for a long time only +1 that I got
@uszyk90: who likes to be right, but didnot succede yet to make a trap deep enough for me
@trogatelnaya_raduga: who, I thought was gay, I'm sure he thinks the same about me
@sayrel: who still thinks I'am a bloody monster for furcoat advocasy
@svetla: who, as my russian counterpart, who always approves my message
@PawEHO: the one with poor musical choices (буерак-guy)
@Powstaniec: who knows russian, but has nothing better to do with it than listening to Daria Stavrovich
@szurszur: who, I am not quite sure, who is
@bledny: who had nothing better to do than comment my posts and translate russian
@tsarfrompolsza: who gives +1 more readily than his clear opinion
@wydmuszka: to whom my coquetry was to no avail
@farmer111: who sparingly treat me with pluses, but has his doubts
@Okcydent: who tried to argue historical stuff, but lately gave up on me
@Lepper3001: who said that I crossed very influantial people
@AgentGRU: who is defenitely belorussian
@anonymous_derp: who aquired some enthusiasm about me
@matt08: who has some enthusiasm about russian language
@TenebrosuS: who is a subscriber I know nothing about
@iAmTS: who tried his best, but I am beyond salvation
@TeamfightTactics: who likes my handmade memes
@Ciapatus: whom I still owe an answer

mobutu2 - 1020. С Наступающим!

I'd like to thank all users who gave some attention...

źródło: comment_C6fftEAX8b1VJGYS9jl3wRW9N1toWEXH.jpg

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@mobutu2: Ууу, спасибо большое! Я не думал, что сегодня мне какой-то чувак из Викопа желания отправит. С новым годом, удачи в личной жизни и учёбе польского!
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who, as my russian counterpart, who always approves my message

@mobutu2: Неожиданно...СПАСИБО И С ПРАЗДНИКОМ! Удачи на форуме в борьбе с русофобией! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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