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PS : Chcialem porozmawiac z @dzafel na priv i wytlumaczyc sobie wszystko na spokojnie ale on odpisal tylko #czarnalista i mnie zablokowal. Teraz widze jaki jest sens dyskusji z nim. Niestety, bo ja jestem zawsze otwarty na rozmowe nawet jesli sie z kims calkowicie nie zgadzam.
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@pszymczyk2: I kolejna odpowiedz Kuetzal co do regulaminu .............

We have received a sufficient number of complains regarding new terms and conditions of the platform, especily point regarding due diligence of the project. Kuetzal has performed it’s own analysis for all the projects on the platform, and so will continue furthermore.We would like to inform you that terms on the platform will be updated soon, and therefore dispel doubts that
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@Blacksnow: śmierdzi scamem.

Thankyou Jørgen for raising your concerns about Kuetzal.

Since 9th December I have been trying to withdraw 2000 euro from Keutzal.
It simply showed an error message when I tried to make
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