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@piekna_gabi: @NoKappaSoldier73:
Mam nadzieję że Cory znowu nie ma jakiegoś załamania i że nie odchodzi ( _)

We have a rare opportunity available at Sony Santa Monica. We're looking for a Lead Gameplay Programmer to join our team to help us create some absolutely amazing things.

Feel free to DM me if you have any questions. More info here: https://sms.playstation.com/careers/programming/lead-gameplay-programmer
Cory Barlog's GDC 2019 presentation back in March:

This next image was not actually in the original presentation. I would just do a verbal description of this, but I added it in, so there's a couple of images I had to switch out to make this thing work. But I would talk about was the idea that all the mythologies of the world are kind of like this Hubble telescope image.
janushek - Cory Barlog's GDC 2019 presentation back in March:
 This next image was no...

źródło: comment_ESdV0wyQC5mijY0YBW8396T12R1JfyuY.jpg

@MasterOfShadows: SMS robi dwie gry a jedną na 100% jest GoW2, zatrudnili dużo ludzi i dalej szukają nowych a sam Barlog by nie zrobił czegoś lepszego niż GoW (bo tak nazwał ten projekt Druckmann od TLoU, czymś jeszcze większym).
Musieli wrócić do tego kosmicznego RPG nad którym pracowali kilka lat temu