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I mamy pierwsze efekty wycieku bazy #morele .net. Mail z dzisiaj leżący w spamie:


This is important information for you!

Some months ago I hacked your OS and got full access to your account XXX@YYY.ZZZ

On day of hack your account XXX@YYY.ZZZ has password: XXXXXXX

So, you can change the password, yes.. Or already changed... But my malware intercepts it every time.

How I made it:

In the software of the router, through which you went online, was a vulnerability. I used it...

If you interested you can read about it: CVE-2019-1663 - a vulnerability in the web-based management interface of the Cisco routers.

I just hacked this router and placed my malicious code on it.

When you went online, my trojan was installed on the OS of your device.

After that, I made a full backup of your disk (I have all your address book, history of viewing sites, all files, phone numbers and >addresses of all your contacts).

A month ago, I wanted to lock your device and ask for a not big amount of btc to unlock.

But I looked at the sites that you regularly visit, and I was shocked by what I saw>>>

I'm talk you about sites for adults.

I want to say - you are a BIG pervert. Your fantasy is shifted far away from the normal course>

And I got an idea....

I made a screenshot of the adult sites where you have fun (do you understand what it is about, huh?).

After that, I made a screenshot of your joys (using the camera of your device) and glued them together.

Turned out amazing> You are so spectacular>

I'm know that you would not like to show these screenshots to your friends, relatives or colleagues.

I think $760 is a very, very small amount for my silence.

Besides, I have been spying on you for so long, having spent a lot of time>

Pay ONLY in Bitcoins>

My BTC wallet: 1MJne4rgeirTYxCwC81nJHPqox7DSsCMoe

You do not know how to use bitcoins?

Enter a query in any search engine: "how to replenish btc wallet".

It's extremely easy

For this payment I give you two days (48 hours).

As soon as this letter is opened, the timer will work.

After payment, my virus and dirty screenshots with your enjoys will be self-destruct automatically.

If I do not receive from you the specified amount, then your device will be locked, and all your contacts will receive a screenshots with your "enjoys".

I hope you understand your situation.

- Do not try to find and destroy my virus> (All your data, files and screenshots is already uploaded to a remote server)

- Do not try to contact me (you yourself will see that this is impossible, the sender address is automatically generated)

- Various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help, since your data is already on a remote server.

P.S. You are not my single victim. so, I guarantee you that I will not disturb you again after payment>

This is the word of honor hacker

I also ask you to regularly update your antiviruses in the future. This way you will no longer fall into a similar situation.

Do not hold evil> I just good do my job.

Good luck.

Ciekawe ile pelikanów to łyknie :-)
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@muchabzz: hehe gdyby to prawda była. Do każdego serwisu stosuję inne hasło (stąd wiem, że to wyciek z morele). Nie mam kamerki internetowej. To drugie primo. Nie mam routera Cisco. To trzecie primo ;-) Ale, że jestem perwersem to prawda, bo w końcu siedzę na wypoku xD
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