Wpis z mikrobloga

- Well good morning. Id like altogether to tell you altogether. Today Christopher Kononowicz wanted to throw me out. Today sunday is, wanted to throw me out of the house and...
- Tell the truth for what!
- How for what?
- Tell the truth for what!
- What for what? And what have you been saying on me? That I am a junkie, for fuck sake and don
t know what, that I shat my panties, whore. But I was in the fucking hospital and you want me... He wants to send me to Choroszcz! Curious for what, cause Im sober!
- For drug addiction!
- Shittiction! You fucking should been trated long time ago!
- For being a junkie - me not, but you yes!
- O, a junkie... What junkie? How sober I am! O, yesterday I
ve had a beer... A junkie?
- You came and what was smelling out of your mouth?
- Nothing smelling!
- No smelling?
- No!
- No?
- And you fucking what?! You shit in your panties for fuck sake! How many times have you been shat? Isntt it true? Isnt it true?
- It is not true!
- How not?
- It is not true!
- How not true?
- And you haven`t shat yourself?
- I only once in my life! I must have eaten cottage cheese or sour milk!
- Once...
- Sure once, but you shat all the fucking time! You came back from Theresa, fuck, you took it all and fucking excreted feces! You were opening the fucking wicket and... and you shat and it smelled!
- It was of nerves!
- Yea, of nerves...
- So of what?
- You see, he alone, altogether, said that he will throw me out of the house, and I am very grateful. And just, 4800 give me back. Last year I fucking spent so much!
- People say that you should be paying me for this apartment!
- Shit... Fuck! And how much money I fucking...
- If you want to shit, go to lavatory and shit!
- you have shitted on! Non stop stinks!
#kononowicz #major #suchodolski #pasta #szkolna17 #aferastolcowa #patostreamy
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